Managed to pick up a HAS, as I had a lot of trouble with an ebay seller providing a faulty Minigun Supergun. Working great, looking good, but I'm having an issue with at the moment just one board, but I've not tested every board I own.
I've tested an original cps1 Final Fight, a NeoGeo MV1FZ with a couple games, and bootleg Street Fighter 2 World Warrior and Bomberman Land (Bomber Lord) and they all work great. Although I have to turn the volume pots a little higher than I'd like, there's no volume adjustment on the HAS right? Unless I've just missed it.
But I can't get a signal to my OSSC from my bootleg Dynablaster (Bomberman) with the HAS. Does anybody know what might bee the first thing to check? I just get a black screen with the OSSC not detecting a signal. It's not a big deal, but I'm wondering if there's an easy thing I could try to fix it.
Board works fine in my Sega New Net City cabinet so, I think it's fine.