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  1. darhgo

    FS Repro / Custom panels for various Japan cabinets

    I'd like to order a capcom impress panel. Is that something that you also ever will offer for 1p as well? Thank you! The impress has mounting posts instead of holes yes?
  2. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    Do you have any VGA hats available RGB?
  3. darhgo

    WTB Netdimm Cartridge

    I think just NetBoot. I’m going to be running a NetBoot setup only.
  4. darhgo

    WTB Netdimm Cartridge

    Looking for a netdimm cart for naomi! Thanks!
  5. darhgo

    vertical lines?

    hey, I have a gnet pcb with vertical lines, is that an easy fix? common places to start looking? Thanks!
  6. darhgo

    FS Selling off some PCBs (JAMMA)

    Thinning the herd a bit to fund some other projects: These three to start off! Free shipping with tracking in CONUS for all. Outside the US PM me for a quote. All are in good working order, unless otherwise noted, and I will verify again before accepting payment. Street Fighter II WW - $175...
  7. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    I'd be happy to buy some from you to not have to order a set for myself! PM me
  8. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    Thanks. I own and OSSC, FM and I've got a Tink 2x on the way, and I'm going to try them all out with my supergun, and if ordering a second ossc is the best option, that's what I'll do.
  9. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    Cool. Now, are there photos anywhere comparing A1 to OSSC?
  10. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    Cool! My monitor only takes DVI/HDMI, but I’ll look into it!
  11. darhgo

    MVC Chewlix Project Log 2020

    I do want switch and 360 as options. So I guess that answers my question!
  12. darhgo

    MVC Chewlix Project Log 2020

    I wanted to document my Chewlix cabinet project that'll start as soon as it comes in next month. Right now, making a list of the parts I need to have in place on Day 1 to get PS4 up and running on there, a scaled jamma setup will be a longer term add, but a definite, as I have a large...
  13. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    Interesting, ok! I have a KVM switch so I can try that when it arrives.
  14. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    while we are in this, what's the play for connecting brooks boards to multiple systems? is that just something that needs a manual cable swap?
  15. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    It's not, it's new (a customized chewlix) with a 1080p Samsung panel in it. But yeah! Thanks for all the knowledge drops man. Appreciate it very much.
  16. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    Gotcha. I'm not ever going to replace the monitor in the cab unless is breaks but eventually I'll get another gaming display.
  17. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    OK, cool. It's not a huge deal for now, but I'll make sure to get a freesync the next time I'm looking for a display.
  18. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    amazing info. have you found any solution for the screen tearing/stutter on Data East PCBs via the OSSC? Is that just monitor dependent? It's 54.91hz on my display (Captain America and the Avengers, Robocop, Sly Spy, Karnov, etc.)
  19. darhgo

    Home Arcade System

    I have a 20" PVM in my setup. it rocks. My initial query was regarding using a supergun in a vewlix cab, which I will be taking delivery of in about a month.