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Tailsnic Retroworks

Jan 8, 2019
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Hi. I'm going to enter in this system, and I want to know if, taking a Triforce broken system, I can use a gamecube mainboard to resurrect it.

Is it really possible? And if it is, what is needed to be done and what revision I must search?
I don't think this is possible. The BIOS is different between the two.
As fas as I know, the IPL inside Triforce makes the motherboard to search for the BIOS and load system on the upper board. If this is the only difference between Gamecube and Triforce, a code/component swap should be possible.
Maybe you're right, maybe it's as easy as you say.

Try it and report back?
I thought the GameCube modchip community has discovered the encryption process? IIRC it is just a serial ROM, so you could use a microcontroller to simulate it if no compatible part can be found.
Unfortunately that was long ago on the Dextrose forum, if anyone remembers that. Since then I'm not part of the "modchip" scene for various boring reasons.
I understand. I'm trying to get my back covered if any of my systems break, so I'll try to figure it out