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Can someone with a working cart confirm if Kof 2000 is working properly?
Mine is working, but the letters are all garbled.
It's the only game with this kind of problem that i tested so far.


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Big thank to everyone involved here ! It was not easy but my multicart is working !
Can someone with a working cart confirm if Kof 2000 is working properly?
Mine is working, but the letters are all garbled.
It's the only game with this kind of problem that i tested so far.
I have the samedi issue.
Best version I found so far is from a neoragex ver 0.6 with roms set. It still has some corruption in the fix layer. I'm searching for another set, but it's hard to find patched roms for this old emulator. If nothing else we should be able to extract the data out of the original 161 in 1 roms.

Edit: Found a patch on wayback machine for this one, but fix layer was still glitched. Can someone who has a C rom with verified hash Pm me. I'll try to get this version extracted if no one else does. Lost the data on my first 161, and the only other one I have seems to have a chip that I can't get a good read no matter how much I try. This is the one I'm missing data from.

$ md5sum *.bin
e30ebb94fc129d1635afb0a5f78f11bd crom-1.bin
1ceb03bbd7fc3611a4a6806a7982b8ba crom-2.bin
eed71a77f26ce0bca11030184f550aa6 mrom.bin
b609221e0d9a7aef10fb38d66c4cd84a prom-p1.bin
34bd54d8a8035140c0c038e398b3626b prom-p2.bin
854b014c56a9eaf364b21b2a1ae23614 prom-p3.bin
dca5766ed117b7314d4fcb754601de88 srom.bin
c3862638c05c501c50a57ca100735da9 vrom.bin

161 in 1.png

Edit 2: didn't realize the multi carts don't have kof2000 on them. There are a lot of unique tiles in the original 512kb srom, too many to fit them all into one 128kb file. Maybe if the neo geo splash screen is replaced we could fit some more. This patch seems to be the best for now.

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I've updated the uni-bios patch here. With this version, the soft reboot goes to the multicart menu only if B is pressed when soft rebooting. This allows to set the soft dips for the selected game.

Does anyone has an idea of what to do with the remaining of the donor 161in1 ? I've repurposed the CHA board to a test cart for the diagnostic BIOS, but maybe there are better options ? I do not have any C/V flash chip left as I fried two of them (too much heat when unsoldering I think).
Anyone know what the difference is between samsh5fe and samsh5fep? The m1 rom is 512kb, but past 256kb is just the 2nd 128kb chunk mirrored 2 times.

Edit: doh, it says it right there in the archive link, fe is final edition and fep is final edition perfect. I'm only seeing the archive for darksoft's cart format. I'll unswap the croms around and see if it boots in neoragex 0.6. Is that link on archive dot org the most recent version?

Edit2: nrx .6 had a z80 bank error. nrx 5.2a played it fine with the first half of the m1 rom, 256KB. Not sure if it would work on the 161 like this. Anyone have a darksoft cart to test?

Edit3: samsh5pf and samsh5fep have the same m1rom crc after cutting it in half, so fep should run fine on a 161. They have other files with different hashes though like the last 2 croms, the prom, and the srom. What is the difference between these two versions?

Edit4: So pf has the story cut scenes. None of the other versions do, so this is the one to go with it would seem.
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I believe fep is a community hack to patch the original loctest rom with the changes made on the fly in the 2020 pc release, including title screen that says “perfect”. The other would be the original loctest rom which doesn’t say “perfect” but is snk original code.
Getting my cart compiled and noticed the ArcadeTV menu files are in darksoft format with a c m p s and vrom filenames. The original files are just a p s and a vrom not named like the darksoft filenames. Do we just edit the new menu filenames and the compiler will automatically use the extra c and v rom?

Edit: it does. Can see the C and V rom addresses increasing after the menu entry in the log file.


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I just finished my work on the P-ROM Dumper/Programmer Board.
I redesigned it in KiCad to be able to mount an "smd test socket" [IC306-070-110 0]: https://aliexpress.com/item/4000823686216.html

I don't know if everything fits, but in theory it looks just perfect ^^

Attached the kicad files.

I'll also upload the files to github "maybe soon" 😅


55LV100S Programmer_top2.png55LV100S Programmer_top1.png55LV100S Programmer_bot.png


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Short Feedback regarding the SMD adapter:
It seems there usually would be a clamp, which is "missing".

I'll try to design something to push the chip down... As it is now it's not really usable.
Short Feedback regarding the SMD adapter:
It seems there usually would be a clamp, which is "missing".

I'll try to design something to push the chip down... As it is now it's not really usable.

It's what, a SOP44? I've used something akin to these in the past.
So a version of the board with a compatible DIP44 socket would be great.
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Guess you missed, that this is exactly the socket I used in my setup and which is not working properly 🤔


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I already have a few findings:
It seems the pins on the PROM are bent a bit too wide for the spring contacts to fully engage.
Therefore the IC contacts need to be bent a little.

Afterwards I was able to make contact with all springs.

Not I need to come up with a lock-mechanism, which will push the IC down I to the springs.

I was able to at least properly read the ID of the PROMs... Pushing it down the whole time was a little too stressful for my fingers so I got an error after 80%.

I guess with the right treatment it might work... Even though not perfectly
I already have a few findings:
It seems the pins on the PROM are bent a bit too wide for the spring contacts to fully engage.
Therefore the IC contacts need to be bent a little.

Afterwards I was able to make contact with all springs.

Not I need to come up with a lock-mechanism, which will push the IC down I to the springs.

I was able to at least properly read the ID of the PROMs... Pushing it down the whole time was a little too stressful for my fingers so I got an error after 80%.

I guess with the right treatment it might work... Even though not perfectly
Is it that the cover for the SSOP70 socket isn't applying enough pressure, or that the chip is too thick for the lid?
There is not the slightest force applied by the lid. It's just a lid, nothing else.
It just covers the inside.


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There is not the slightest force applied by the lid. It's just a lid, nothing else.
It just covers the inside.

Ah... similar units I've used the lid clips in place and applies pressure to hold the chip down. Bummer that this one isn't doing that.