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I’m also curious how the community might end up using new product. Brainstorming here:

  • Replace a broken JVS IO board in your cabinet
  • Replace a perfectly working JVS IO to get more compatibility/flexibility
  • Use it as the heart of a new cabinet build
  • Assemble a JVS supergun
  • Consolize a JVS game
Use any of the analog periphreals on one IO board, as well. Steering wheels, trackballs, spinners, baseball bats...
I’m also curious how the community might end up using new product. Brainstorming here:

  • Replace a broken JVS IO board in your cabinet
  • Replace a perfectly working JVS IO to get more compatibility/flexibility
  • Use it as the heart of a new cabinet build
  • Assemble a JVS supergun
  • Consolize a JVS game
Use any of the analog periphreals on one IO board, as well. Steering wheels, trackballs, spinners, baseball bats...
What this thread needs is a useful chart of what IOs are work with what, and don't work with what, and where this new one falls compared to the rest.
"Use any of the analog periphreals on one IO board, as well. Steering wheels, trackballs, spinners, baseball bats..."

It is really exciting to have the option to use multiple panels with on I/O board. I have the Naomi Virtua Golf panel and baseball panels and to be able to swap out with one I/O Board is awesome; my next goal is the steering wheel for driving games, anyone know the best option for a steering wheel panel option that can be swapped out as per the other panels for a universal cabinet? Probably needs to be a modded version of something, but would be nice to have this steering wheel panel to swap out with the others panels. Anyone have something like this? Or created something like it that would work great with this new board and be able to use with ANY driving game from Naomi to Lindbergh? Thanks.
As I wrote, this I/O is so flexible that AFAIK can replace any JVS PCB. Sega type 3, Jamma JVS, etc.
I have a better question, what exactly does it do?

Not being silly, just not terribly familiar with JVS aside from my Naomi motherboard and Capcom IO.
I have a better question, what exactly does it do?

Not being silly, just not terribly familiar with JVS aside from my Naomi motherboard and Capcom IO.
Basically what it says in the startpost, it's literally a multi JVS IO PCB. Some systems are only compatible with a certain JVS IO, so sometimes you would need multiple ones. If I understand it correctly with this one you can let it pose as a certain JVS IO which makes it compatible with all (tested) systems thus you only need this JVS IO to rule them all :D

Plus some neat extra's like the Neo Geo ports, test/service buttons on the PCB etc.
So this is mainly of benefit to people with a JVS wired cab?
Can it also replace my Namco Cyberlead IO and control the LED marquee
Isn't that a full JVS to JAMMA Adaptor?

So this is mainly of benefit to people with a JVS wired cab?
Not only that. It allows to replace your JVS card for driving, shooting and joystick games. For people that wants to play joystick games, they can't directly plug their NeoGeo controllers.
@Darksoft does the controller ports also support analog or is there a way we can hook up analog channels to it would be nice :) With a switch on the i/o or something
The original thread for the Mega JVS, which this is based on, is here:


Where this IO excels is driving games. Unlike stick and button games which more or less follow a standard, the mappings for analog and digital inputs in driving games are all over the place. So in one game 1P SW1 could be shifter up, in some other game it could be view change. Brake could be acceleration and vice versa. If you wanted to have a multi driving cab, you would need to swap harnesses all the time. With the Multi JVS you just press a button on the IO to swap to a different mapping and off you go.
Yes, it has the standard 26 pin input for analog controls. As I said it supports up to 6 channels of Analog inputs, which can be configured as simple as this:



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Where this IO excels is driving games. Unlike stick and button games which more or less follow a standard, the mappings for analog and digital inputs in driving games are all over the place. So in one game 1P SW1 could be shifter up, in some other game it could be view change. Brake could be acceleration and vice versa. If you wanted a to have a multi driving cab, you would need to swap harnesses all the time. With the Multi JVS you just press a button on the IO to swap to a different mapping and off you go.
Exactrly that. Thanks @nem
Darksoft does the controller ports also support analog or is there a way we can hook up analog channels to it would be nice
That's what the 26-pin JST RA connector is there for?

Unrelated, but I've never understood why people want everything on D-sub connectors. Boggles my mind.