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first, that's not a twin, those are two stand alone cabs. Second those ID cabs look haggared and the monitors are busted and he still wants $900, forget that. pickup those WAR Final Assault cabs, thats the real gem in the listing.
first, that's not a twin, those are two stand alone cabs.
I'm not sure about that. It looks like the pair I saw at an expo recently. I think they share a coin box in the middle, and the artwork and side panels are not present in the two exterior cabinet walls facing in towards each other. If you separated them, one doesn't get a coin box and both will be missing artwork on half of the cab.

Edit: though I do see 2 coin boxes... in the pics. I'm pretty sure I'm not seeing side panels on both sides.
they're not even the same version of ID one cab is ID 2 the other is ID 3.

given that it's missing most of the artwork and the toppers and the card readers does it really matter anyway? those things are more a pile of parts than they are a complete cab set.
they're not even the same version of ID one cab is ID 2 the other is ID 3.

given that it's missing most of the artwork and the toppers and the card readers does it really matter anyway? those things are more a pile of parts than they are a complete cab set.
Fair enough, but who knows what kind of upgrade path an owner could have made to original units. The one I saw in person had decals from 1 and toppers from 2. I never see these games locally, but Google picture searches make it hard to know what to expect from ID in general.
I'm not sure why but ID cabs seem to get hacked up by owners a lot. I think it attracts a lot of non-arcade people buying them who have no qualms with ripping shit apart and "frankensteining" the cabs. DDR has a lot of franken-cabs for the same reason I think.

They're not hard to find. I see ID cabs pop up for sale more frequently than most other Sega racers, and they're not usually all that expensive either. it's worth waiting for a nice set to pop up.
I would be all over those Initial D cabs. I don't see what's wrong with those at all. Two standalone units beats a twin any time. Busted monitor? Is it original? If it is, it's definitely worth fixing.
I don't know what the market is like for these in Finland but here in the states I can buy a pair of these complete and in perfect condition for about $1600 any time...

It depends on what you're looking for I suppose, but if your end goal is a nice original looking cabs the extra money required to fix these up isn't worth it at the $900 price tag IMO.
I don't know what the market is like for these in Finland
There is none :)

but here in the states I can buy a pair of these complete and in perfect condition for about $1600 any time...

It depends on what you're looking for I suppose, but if your end goal is a nice original looking cabs the extra money required to fix these up isn't worth it at the $900 price tag IMO.
Almost half price then. Sounds like a good deal. Sega sitdown cabs are built like tanks, they can take a crazy amount of beating. The extra money to fix these up would be for the monitor and cosmetics if you wanted any (personally I wouldn't bother).

Of course this is provided there's nothing else wrong with them, which is no certainty.
After the monitor the card reader would be the next biggest expense.

The artwork/marquees is pretty much unobtanium, no one makes repos and the only way to source new stuff is to have things like new seat-back and side panels shipped, which can cost a couple hundred bucks a panel.

that's why I said it depends on what you're looking for.

if you just want a Sega racing cab to mess around with then yeah it's a decent deal for a "pile of parts", but if you're looking to own a set of original/complete ID3 cabs then it's not worth it as you'll spend more on the difference sourcing all of the missing art and other parts.
I admit I considered making a lowball offer. Totally understand it doesn't compare to a proper set of complete cabs, but sometimes a pile of parts can still be fun for the right price. Never meant to misrepresent it in my original post.
I admit I considered making a lowball offer. Totally understand it doesn't compare to a proper set of complete cabs, but sometimes a pile of parts can still be fun for the right price. Never meant to misrepresent it in my original post.
Go and do that lowball offer (that's what I had done; and that is how I ended up with 3 sets of ID3 twins :)..yes, 6 total).

The toughest part when you trying to sell something of that size is getting someone reliably to show up and get them. And in my case it would cost me around ~$250 each time I picked up a pair (renting truck with liftgate + gas etc).

Also, the US versions of sega driving cabs kinda suck - it's the same old particle board material you find on US arcade machines. I have some JP driving cabs as well - those are metal, and much studier (in my experience). And the later ID cabs (the ID4/5/6/7/8 cabs) are built like tanks. I have 3 of those :)

Anyway, def make an offer to him/her - as long as you are serious, and they know it, theyll bite.
they're not even the same version of ID one cab is ID 2 the other is ID 3.

given that it's missing most of the artwork and the toppers and the card readers does it really matter anyway? those things are more a pile of parts than they are a complete cab set.
ID 1/2/3 are identical cabinets. The twin cabs share a coin box between the two in the middle. The card readers sits above the coin door. In looking at the pics, these look like two Left Side cabs placed next to each other. So it doesn't look like a stock Twin cabinet.

It also doesn't look like the card reader boxes are attached (may not even work)

The good thing about having two Left Side cabs connected together is that they can be turned on independently to save electricity. You can even remove the side panel on the inner panels and make it look like a twin setup.

Twin ID 1/2/3 cabinets share a transformer that is housed in the Left Side cab. The Right Side cab in a twin setup can't be powered on its own without adding an additional transformer.

Definitely make an offer for sure. $900 for the set seems like a decent price given I bought mine 6 years ago for double that amount.

I think the only thing I changed/modded/removed/etc was the CRT in the Left Side cab. It is now a LCD monitor.

ID 1/2/3 are identical cabinets
That's not entirely true, as different markets had changes in the cab design, and even the JP ID1 cabs are slightly different from the JP ID2/3 cabs. But I was referring to the artwork and software, one of these is decorated for ID3 the other is not. Also the listing clearly states that one is running ID3 and the other is running ID2.

The twin cabs share a coin box between the two in the middle. The card readers sits above the coin door. In looking at the pics, these look like two Left Side cabs placed next to each other.
I know how a Twin cabinet works, I own one. ID was sold as both a single stand-alone cab and a twin version. There's nothing in these pictures that leads me to believe that these are two left side cabs as opposed to 2 stand alone cabs.

honestly none of that really matters because the pics are so shitty you can't make a reasonable analysis unless you see them in person.
The artwork/marquees is pretty much unobtanium, no one makes repos and the only way to source new stuff is to have things like new seat-back and side panels shipped, which can cost a couple hundred bucks a panel.
There's a bunch here:


Also, the US versions of sega driving cabs kinda suck - it's the same old particle board material you find on US arcade machines. I have some JP driving cabs as well - those are metal, and much studier (in my experience). And the later ID cabs (the ID4/5/6/7/8 cabs) are built like tanks.
Wait, what? I thought the ones for sale here are all metal (and plastic)?
There's a bunch here:
I had no idea someone was making repo art for these. last time I looked there was none available. It looks like those are for the Euro version of the cabs, but I'm sure there are some cross-over with the JP cabs for some of it. :thumbup:

Wait, what? I thought the ones for sale here are all metal (and plastic)?
Older Model 2 and Model 3 era Sega Driving cabs (VO, Daytona, Sega Rally, etc.) have a metal base but particle board for the upright portion. I believe it's because Sega Contracted a US based manufacturer who used cheaper materials on these cabs. the Euro, JP and other "export" cabs are all metal and plastic.

the NAOMI and newer Era stuff, had official JP imports that were all metal and plastic, in addition to really crappy wood cabs which I believe were made by local manufacturers. I don't believe ID1-3 had any wood cab variants, but if you look at say outrun 2 there is the really nice JP metal/plastic cabs:


as well as the really crappy wood cabs:

In the case of OR2 both versions were sold in the USA. I've never seen a wood cab variant of ID1-3 (though there is one for ID4)
I don't believe ID1-3 had any wood cab variants
This is what I was thinking. The cabs in the pics look like the Euro / JPN cabs.

Here in Europe we only had early Daytona USA and Sega Rally cabs made in particle board. The base was metal, but the monitor enclosure was all chipboard. I have Sega Rally twin like this and I fucking hate it :P
My OR2SP is a wood cabinet... :( It's badly damaged in the bottom edges. I'd love one of the metal frame kind.

I was under the impression that while ID has plastic panels on the outside, the overall monitor housing is particle board and the plastic panels are screwed on to the particle board. That top OR2 example makes me think it's the same. Is that not the case?
The cabs in the pics look like the Euro / JPN cabs.
the header on the euro cabs are different (they're also missing the illuminated banner between the top of the cab and the marquee) and the euro cabs have silver hoops instead of black... those are definitely JP (or maybe Asia export) cabs.
