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what's up with the esp ra.de. art on the bezel? Did it come with that? If it came with that, could you take some clear pictures of the stickers?
what's up with the esp ra.de. art on the bezel? Did it come with that? If it came with that, could you take some clear pictures of the stickers?
its art from sellsellsell. itl be hard to take off cuz i used double sided adhesive and never intended it to be removed. it will come off tho. i did the same thing on my egret 2's.
I picked up a couple of proper MS9 yokes (thanks, @ArcSys101 ) and the results speak for themselves. This is with just very quick geometry adjustments.



Thanks so much for your help, @Hatsune Mike
Looking pretty good; a little convergence tweaking and you'll be good to go
Beware eBay sellers who hack MS8-29 yokes to plug into MS9-29 chassis and market them as MS9-29 yokes, though (look for the yellow and brown wire pair).
In my case was opossite … China arcade shop owner sent me NAC equiped with A68KJU96X (6F - June 1996) with ms8-29 and he did some moddifications for NAC to use this chassis instead MS9-29… (i have ms9 spare and is time for me to replace MS8 - he start to make me troubles)
big helps from @kikaso and of course this theard too made me to understand new things🙏🏻

I think you would need to cut the yoke connector ends and use this connector. You would also need to split the connector in half given the vertical and horizontal connections on an MS9 are separate.

Can someone please confirm that?
If you're replacing a MS8 with a MS9, you need a different connector for vertical.

Looking at the pic posted, I would just replace both sets of connectors. The horizontal connector looks like a China special.
If you're replacing a MS8 with a MS9, you need a different connector for vertical.

Looking at the pic posted, I would just replace both sets of connectors. The horizontal connector looks like a China special.
What’s the correct connector to use for vertical and horizontal?
@kikaso can you confirm the size of the knurled thumb nuts you're using for the control panel? I swap panels often on Sega candies and making that job quicker would be awesome.

Great job on the restore btw. This has been very enjoyable to follow.
If you're replacing a MS8 with a MS9, you need a different connector for vertical.

Looking at the pic posted, I would just replace both sets of connectors. The horizontal connector looks like a China special.
In the MS8 chassis , the cables that comes from yoke looks like this … ive did this to compare to see if the connectors from Ms9 are in the same spots 🤷🏻‍♂️🙈
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Anyone know where I can find these clips? They’re for managing wiring around the heatsinks of a MS9 chassis.


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