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any notable differences between the prototype and the release build?
I documented differences in first post here

I will say it's more for diehard hotd fans to see differences between this and final retail.
I wouldn't really call it a prototype. It seems more like a location test version to me(it's more or a less a demo that ends at the animation for chapter 3 boss fight with a to be continued screen)
I'm personally doubt if it working netbootable image. it is expected to boot fine via CF boot but not net, and require more patching using Deunan's tools to boot via network. same as other M4 and not only carts.
Very late bump, so appologies - but finally had someone test the Manic Panic Ghosts netboot image and it works fine. Lmk if we'd like to include it here @Darksoft.
That's okay. You do great work. I can wait patiently.
I love horror or spooky based games so this one looks exceptionally fun.