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Aug 17, 2016
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Montréal, Canada
So after picking up a Virtual On early january, it took my a while decide what to move and make room for it in the basement. Time Crisis 2 was finally decided this weekend and reassembling this double cab has taken the most time of all the cabs I've brought down so far...

The good news:

They work!


The bad news: No link between them.!

Try this, try that, look at light from both side, make sure tx is going to rx ... all good.
Have spare board from early pandemic pickup! tried it ... same thing. Communication board must be bad ? tried swapping master to slave, nothing.

Until it hit me: I've been convinced the issue was with the slave side because the light was "pulsing" while the master was "no pulsing", it was just "on". The spare was also pulsing so I replaced the master and boom:


Very happy !!

Was able to try a few other boards / ROM boards I have but never tried:




Left to do: the right side has no sound. I believe cause the 12.5 transformer, under load is only ouputting 8-9 v thus the soundboard is not starting? more investigation ASAP.

My son and I played and we agree: this game kicks ass!!
I'm so glad to see another one of these up and running and even more happy that you're enjoying it.
I consider it a fighting game, in that it's best when you're playing against a human opponent right next to you.

VO1 is a great introduction to the game. and if it starts to get stale I recommend upgrading to VOOT.

in context VO1 is like Street Fighter 2 World Warrior. Really simple mechanics and a slow pace so really friendly to new players. By comparison VOOT is like 3rd Strike. it's got a steeper learning curve, there's a lot more going on, and there's a lot more gameplay depth that will keep you interested for years, but it's mostly appealing to those who are at least already familiar with the basic mechanics.
The game is WAY more strategic that I initially thought and I feel it's indeed a great addition to the row of fighting games right behind it ! can't wait to have a bunch of people over and hear what they think!

How's the naomi M.S.B.S version comparing?!
VO1 is a great introduction to the game. and if it starts to get stale I recommend upgrading to VOOT.

in context VO1 is like Street Fighter 2 World Warrior. Really simple mechanics and a slow pace so really friendly to new players. By comparison VOOT is like 3rd Strike.
How's the naomi M.S.B.S version comparing?!

I absolutely love 3S to death; been playing for years...

...but VOOT is so ungodly more intense and complicated then 3S LOL. Not that that's a bad thing on either part or that it should be intimidating, but having had my ass kicked by some really great 3S players, and some *mid-level* VOOT players, VOOT is like this incredible gem that fighting game players, for whatever reason, haven't discovered/appreciated enmasse yet.

3S die hards (like myself!) would put me on the cross for this, but the depth, strategy, and skill ceiling for VOOT feels so incredibly much higher than 3S; by miles. OMG (VO1) feels like it does eventually cap out due to the speed and abilities available, but VOOT is seriously one of those golden few games next to titles like 3S that you could get into and happily die before you ever feel like you've reached any kind of skill peak. It's an incredible game.

(Just sucks that finding a voot twin is expensive unobtanium; even the carts alone are stupid expensive =/ )

Soulguitarist1 still posts gameplay videos up on YouTube, as does Zaarock! Check them out sometime!

How's the naomi M.S.B.S version comparing?!
M.S.B.S. is the versioning system. every VO game has a MSBS number it's linked to the lore of the game: https://virtual-on.fandom.com/wiki/0_Plant#And_M.S.B.S.

M.S.B.S. v3.3 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On (Operation Moongate): Arcade (Model 2) / Xbox 360 / Playstation 3
M.S.B.S. v3.3s = Cyber Troopers Virtual On (Operation Moongate): Saturn
M.S.B.S. v3.3w = Cyber Troopers Virtual On (Operation Moongate): Windows PC
M.S.B.S. v5.2 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram: Arcade (Model 3 Rev A/B)
M.S.B.S. v5.4 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram: Arcade (Model 3 Rev G)
M.S.B.S. v5.45 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram: Dreamcast
M.S.B.S. v5.6 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram Terminal: Dreamcast
M.S.B.S. v5.66 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Oratorio Tangram -Version 2000-: Arcade (NAOMI) / Xbox 360
M.S.B.S. v7.5 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Force: Arcade (Hikaru Rev ?)
M.S.B.S. v7.6 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Force: Arcade (Hikaru Rev ?)
M.S.B.S. v7.7 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Force: Arcade (Hikaru Rev ?)
M.S.B.S. v7.7x = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Force: Xbox 360
M.S.B.S. v8.5 = Cyber Troopers Virtual On Marz: Playstation 2
M.S.B.S. v55.55= A Certain Magical Virtual On: Playstation 4

So you can see there are essentially 4 code versions of VOOT
5.2 was the first one.
5.4 was just a re-balance, they made some moves more powerful, limited the functionality of other. in-fact some people prefer 5.2 because of the exploittive nature of some of it, enough so that some of the console re-releases offer a "MSBS 5.2 rules) option.

when they brought the game to Dremcast they added some things to help increase the value of the console version. So they added some additional character variants, (new versions of exsting characters with modifed weapon layouts) as well as a "quick message" taunting system and the ability to customize character colors.

Then they basically rolled those enhancements from the Dreamcast version into a re-relase on NAOMI called "version 2000" with it's own MSBS number.
Functionally it's the most complete version of VOOT, it even supports VMUs so you can take your quick message and colors settings on the Dreamcast and use them in the arcade.

Personally I run v5.2 in my cabinet though because Upgrading from Model 2 to Model 3 is just a matter of swapping the PCB and a new PSU that supports 3.3v
NAOMI however runs at 31K instead of 24K resolution so you'd need to upgrade monitors, and you'd need to rewire the cab for a JVS IO... all of this ON TOP OF upgrading the PSU.

Also despite v5.66 being the most feature complete version and running at a slightly higher resolution most people consider the NAOMI version to look not as good as the Model 3 version because there were a number of lighting effects that made use of the Model 3 hardware that they just dropped out on the Dreamcast port and then never re-implimented on the NAOMI. For all intents and purposes the NAOMI Version is a port of the Dremcast version which is a port of the Model 3 version.

The Xbox 360 HD remaster though looks amazing, and also has online play.

And if you're really a fan of the series they made a collectors edition of Virtual On Force for Xbox 360 and has a nice hard-cover art-book and 6-disc soundtrack that covers the entire series and a some other really great stuff. https://collectorsedition.org/game-db/cyber-troopers-virtual-on-force-memorial-box-15-360-ntsc
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most people consider the NAOMI version to look not as good as the Model 3 version
That is also my feeling!
I was asking cause I have an extra control panel so I'm going to try the naomi version for sure but no more then that.

In french we say « plus c’est long, plus c’est con »… which translate to the longuer you search, the dummer the solution is.

So my sound problem, after having changed sound board, swapped transformers (the sound board is fine with 9volt), checked speakers, swapped pots, is resolved by… “it’s just a fuse” :

pressing and making a good contact on the 5v fuse fixed it 😑
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So i have tried the naomi 5.66 version and damn … must figure out how to put this in the cab one of these days!

2 naomis? Check
2 jvs boards? Check
2 naomi communication boards? Check
2 naomis power supply? Check.
I can output 15hz instead of 31. check.

Down the line for sure.