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[Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

Yeah just flash 4.02 right to it. No stepping needed.

It's not a software issue with some of the dimms not working after conversion. I should try re-capping a few.
The new 4.02 binary you created, I can flash that directly onto the chip right? I don't need to go through the 3.17 step and upgrading via netboot to 4.02. Also, you're saying some boards just won't work? Will those boards won't work even if you do the 3.17 update to 4.02 step?
Yeah, I extracted that binary many years ago for that purpose. Flash it like the 3.17, and you go directly. That aclaration is because many years ago I discovered a few dimms which misteriously didn't boot after the upgrade. Putting warnings is always good for the person.
We have success! I had Ken solder the new firmware chip onto there and it worked! The dimm was having issues initially and giving error 21s. Turns out the pins were dirty.
We have success! I had Ken solder the new firmware chip onto there and it worked! The dimm was having issues initially and giving error 21s. Turns out the pins were dirty.
Congratulations on your success! I’m hoping to replicate your success.