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[Tutorial] Naomi reading compact flash on 'normal' non-net dimmboard

Which board jumper setting i should check?

Well that's how you update it by swapping the daughterboard with a netdimm daughterboard. I would say check your voltages.

Will it boot with no GD rom/CF kit attached?
Voltage was solid 3.30 / 5.10 / 12.05 volts so i don't think voltage even matter. disconnecting the GD-ROM/CF gave me "ERROR 24 GD-ROM NOT FOUND" error message.
Which board jumper setting i should check?
the jumpers inside the DIMM board should be in "GDROM mode" like this: http://www.gamoover.net/files/image/Tutos/NaomiCF/Jumper_GDROM.jpg
check the jumpers are set like a non-netboot unit.
I think that jumpers for net-dimm daughter board not regular dimm daughter board. here is my regular dimm daughter board's picture if it would help.

Voltage was solid 3.30
put that at 3.4V and see if it helps
Increased voltage as you said but still no difference but now when i put my net-dimm daughter board back it giving me "ERROR 04 BOARD MALFUNCTIONING" instead of loading game.
sometimes,you got weird stuffs like this
specially using old firmwared dimmboard
sometimes,you got weird stuffs like this
specially using old firmwared dimmboard
That sounds reasonable, since i upgraded regular dimmboard which came with 1.02 firmware.
btw, i also have same issue with net-dimm board (firm ver : 4.02/initial firm ver : 3.17) /w regular dimmboard daughter board. so i guess its firmware bug on specific dimmboard.
you're right too

I even got somes dimmboard that doesnt works using GD daughter board with firmware >3.17
Maybe due to somes settings stores on it or simply old révision of the board
Right. Excuse me being dumb! Any help appreciated.

There is so much information that you clever chaps have brought together... Mind blown. I have tried to understand as much as possible. As a noob to Naomi I have managed to source power supplies cabling DIMM, Motherboard and JVS JAMMA interface. CF Zero Key and PSU cable from Mitsurugi-W. Some of this is still shipping, but I am looking at my DIMM.

The label is FPR-23489C and needs to be changed to firmware 3.17 which I can do by swapping the TSOP. How then do I upgrade to 4.02 to run CF based games? Do I HAVE to have a NETDIMM to get to 4.02?

The two boards on the DIMM are 837-13987-02 and 171-8079B
The label is FPR-23489C and needs to be changed to firmware 3.17 which I can do by swapping the TSOP. How then do I upgrade to 4.02 to run CF based games? Do I HAVE to have a NETDIMM to get to 4.02?
Yes, you do.
Noob question that I think I already know the answer to, but I still want to ask.

If a DIMM board has a TSOP 56 flash chip, are there any jumpers that need to be set to be able to use a TSOP 48 flash? (I am guessing the answer is no)

I have two DIMM boards that I tried converting from 56 to 48, and both get an ERROR 22 on boot. I have checked solder many times and I know the chips were programmed correctly.
To make sure I didn't kill the board, I put the original TSOP 56 flash back on the DIMM board and it boots great.
I converted a DIMM that came with a TSOP 48 flas, and it works fine.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks
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there ils no jumper for this configuration
Just use correct tsop 48/56 or équivalent from your dimmboard otherwise it wont work (error 22)
Yep. No jumpers. As long as it's a compatible chip, programmed correctly, and soldered well it will work fine. Just make sure to clean up the solder on the 56-pin pads.
Follow up: It ended up being poorly flashed chips. Finally got the last two done. Thank you very much for the information. I appreciate it.
Hi there,

Sorry to zombie the thread, but i'm just about to try and do the TSOP flash and the links to the programmer files are dead, can anyone provide them please?

Thanks :)
Does anyone have a good part number(digikey?) for the Farichild 16245? I'm having a hard time figuring out which is the "right" one.