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Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

My guess it that for the reset signal one soldered cable will be necessary (like CPS2). It's optional though.
My guess it that for the reset signal one soldered cable will be necessary (like CPS2). It's optional though.
aje_fr version uses a kind of needle to make contact on the bottom board.
But it has to be a short model.
Well, if this multi does happen I have the following boards handy waiting for this:

2x - SF2:CE
1x - Rockman

These should be compatible with any multi made, correct?
Well, if this multi does happen I have the following boards handy waiting for this:

2x - SF2:CE
1x - Rockman

These should be compatible with any multi made, correct?
Good question regarding compatibility!

I will have:
King of Dragons (I *think* I've finally sealed a deal on this one)
Pang 3
Depending on which revision of Final Fight he has and how past owners might have "repaired" it, he might be good. I've seen Final Fights running on a Dash motherboard and the 01 C board chip is compatible with the 21 C board chip.
I always assumed the Final Fight boards I've seen on a 12mhz A-board have been mis-matches put together by arcade operators who didn't know or care.
Officially I was under the impression Final Fight never released on anything but a long 10mhz A-board (aka not suitable for a multi).

So yea it's possible he has a dash-board right now by some artificial means, but I wouldn't count on it as it did NOT come this way.
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When time isn't a vegetable this weekend I'll have a look at the board. It's just two pcbs , will post clean pics down the line
Has anybody ever tried to upgrade a 10Mhz short A board to a 12Mhz Dash board? Is it just a 68K upgrade and crystal oscillator change?
Has anybody ever tried to upgrade a 10Mhz short A board to a 12Mhz Dash board? Is it just a 68K upgrade and crystal oscillator change?
I've got a whole bunch of partially working CPS1 A boards here, so I'm happy to try converting one to see what happens
Hmmm.....that would be cool if the 10Mhz ones can be upgraded without any adverse effect. You guys trying this??
I believe I can try this easily if anyone never did this. 12Mhz 68K CPU can easily be salvaged from a parts MVS PCB. I need to check my parts bin for a 12Mhz oscillator though...
I actually have a long a-board with a 12MHz rated CPU but only a 10MHz osc, have always wondered if it can be converted easily.