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Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

Maybe something in between?

Make a small hack so that the potential CPS1 multi can hold more/larger roms and use a hacked version?

Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but right now the only issue with the CPS1.5 > CPS1 games is that the background music is short due to ROM space constraints (and there's only one?)
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I'd rather donate to the cause to get 1.5's running on the cps2 multi
I agree. Some large strides towards this were made completely unfunded, so maybe we could band together and make it worth it for someone talented to finish the project.
CPS1.5 on CPS2 is doable.
CPS1.5 on CPS1 I don't see how this would be possible? Downsampling effects for non Q-Sound? Designing a Q-Sound board replacement or emmbedding its functionalities on the multi board?
On my side I've hacked CPS1.5 games for non Q-Sound using bootlegs sound ROMs. Not ideal but at least you can play non hacked versions of the games (no additionnal BS, levels in the right order, OG title screen, etc.)
@Apocalypse Please elaborate more.I was actually thinking on the multi and I see 2 options:
A) Either convert ALL the graphics and code to make a CPS1.5 game work on CPS2, which is a HUGE thing or
B) leave those CPS1.5 games as they are but adapt the sound so it works on CPS1. That means that either I add extra circuitry on the *potential* CPS1 Multi or I use boot romsets like you have found....
As I said, PM with more info on that conversion please.
A) You don't have to convert graphics, just to re-arrange data differently in graphics ROMs.
B) Graphics and gameplay are untouched, only sound ROMs I used came from bootlegs boards. This mean:
- Downsampled effects for Cadillacs & Dinosaurs and a 10s music loop FOR THE ENTIRE GAME (quite boring isn't it)
- Sound effects from Final Fight used for The Punisher
- Sound effects from Dynasty Wars for Warriors of Fate
- etc.
I would rather have the CPS1.5 games running on the CPS2 multi somehow to maintain the qsound/stereo
That's the key, Q-Sound... Even IF a CPS1 multi supported the 1.5 games, you would be required to use a 1.5 A-board for its Q-Sound chip.
@karaschen do you own a Punisher/C&D/WoF/SNSM?
If not guess what you've gotta find/purchase in addition to the theoretical multi kit to complete option one. :P

The only other option (2) would be to hack/cut out the Q-Sound and replace it with ADPCM...
This is what the bootlegs did I guess? I've never personally seen one, and I don't care to ever find one.

Understand option 2 sucks really bad, so bad I wouldn't even bother with it period.
Option 1 could be perfect, in fact it could be really cool just OMG WOW!
However it's not going to come cheap, as it will add complexity and most people do NOT have 1.5 A-Boards (if they did they probably wouldn't want the support in the multi as badly).
Actually I bought a dead SNSM board from Japan recently. And I converted it to C&D successfully. :D :D
I own a C&D bootleg board also. It uses downsampled sound effect and few seconds music loop from the original .
And I converted it to C&D successfully.
Then yea... You really could benefit from a CPS1.5 multi, you basically have all the required hardware right now.
I would also fit into this category, but I think we are in the minority here.

It is my wish to have something sooner rather than later, and it also be popular enough to sell really well.
These requirements point to CPS1.0 support only, and to be even more exact the kit would be used with the most common universal donor within this family... SF2CE A+B+C.
I own a C&D bootleg board also. It uses downsampled sound effect and few seconds music loop from the original .
A dump of this could in theory be made to load into a CPS1.0 multi... But I would rather see the "real" (Q-Sound intact) game ported to the existing CPS2.0 multi.
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I own a C&D bootleg board also. It uses downsampled sound effect and few seconds music loop from the original .
A dump of this could in theory be made to load into a CPS1.0 multi... But I would rather see the "real" (Q-Sound intact) game ported to the existing CPS2.0 multi.
YES. I have such a C&D ROM for CPS1 board. Actually there is also a Warriors of Fate (Tenchi wo kurau 2)ROM for CPS1.
Sounds and music are taken from or King of Dragons or downsamlped from the original. Such kind of bootleg ROMs were very common in 1990s in Asia.
I have to assume a multi would most likely take the place of the B-board. There's nothing particularly amazing on those boards, the PALs are about it, and those can be reproduced easily. Sure there's quite a few pins of connectors there, but I have to imagine making a board which plugs into the B board would be sillier. Especially since the C-board kinda covers up some of the ROM banks.

Better would be a board that replaces the B AND C boards... and making the B-21 FPGA setup open-source so that some c-board replacements can also be made :D
c board won't come from me. It's a huge effort not related to this multi itself.
I own a C&D bootleg board also. It uses downsampled sound effect and few seconds music loop from the original .
A dump of this could in theory be made to load into a CPS1.0 multi... But I would rather see the "real" (Q-Sound intact) game ported to the existing CPS2.0 multi.
YES. I have such a C&D ROM for CPS1 board. Actually there is also a Warriors of Fate (Tenchi wo kurau 2)ROM for CPS1.Sounds and music are taken from or King of Dragons or downsamlped from the original. Such kind of bootleg ROMs were very common in 1990s in Asia.
can you pm me with those romsets with downsampled effects? Thanks.
c board won't come from me.
Right, and having to design a B-board (simple as some think that task maybe) would require more time than designing a add-on kit for an existing B-board donor.
Better would be a board that replaces the B AND C boards
You sound like @kidpanda who said he also wanted a A-board custom replacement solution. JESUS PEOPLE!
None of that pie-in-the-sky kinda dreaming is going to happen anytime soon (if at all) so can we please let these silly ideas that only act as barriers to getting this thing made go already? :cursing:

The perfect device is the one that works (plays all CPS1.0 B21 C-patched games) which I can buy tomorrow (or reasonably within the next year, not 5+ years from now)!
I already have the conversion ROMs, I already have all the required hardware (12mhz dash A-board/B-board/B21 C-board aka SF2CE) all I need is the multi kit/device itself.

Oh and while I'm on the subject of quick'n effective, and because no-one has mentioned this part yet... It should use a LCD game selection screen just like CPS2/F3 multi.
Having to create special software/menus while sleek'n sexy to look at will again only slow this project down, I also really liked the LCD selection screen personally.
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Has anyone seen that old CPS1 14 in 1 board that used to be floating around? It had a mix of normal and bootleg ROMs on it. Probably the only thing making that one no good is that they didn't know how to do the ROM work to make them all work on the same C board.

Edit: this thing http://www.happmart.com/Pro_Details.aspx?id=833&px=0&sid=89
That thing on the photo is not even a CPS1 hardware. Seems to be a CPS2 A Board + custom B board

If that is the case, finding the related 14 game ROMs for that specific hardware may solve the multi cps1 problem all together? I mean, just put "those" ROMs on CPS2 multi and problem solved? :)
That 14-in-1 is not dumped. I don't think anyone who has owned it is equipped to dump the SOP44 roms.

I think the "Phoenix" in the game list is some hack of Super Pang or something? That's the only reason I ever wanted that thing.
Sorry this is the one I was thinking of: http://www.gamedude.com.au/arcade/

Definitely based off cps1


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@Mr T Guru has a 14-in-1 (it's even for sale in his sale thread) and I'd bet sop44's are no problem for him. I dunno why it wouldn't be dumped if he has it - maybe nothing original is on it?