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Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

You can get Pang! 3 for 80-100€ if you are patient, I got mine for 80€ + shipping IIRC.
I'd sell you a Pang 3 B-board (no A/no C) that's had it's socketed ROMs removed and replaced with conversion data to use the B21 C-board.

50$ PayPal gift, but I won't ship to Euro sorry.
I'd sell you a Pang 3 B-board (no A/no C) that's had it's socketed ROMs removed and replaced with conversion data to use the B21 C-board.
50$ PayPal gift, but I won't ship to Euro sorry.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm good as far as CPS1 boards are concerned ^_^
I'd sell you a Pang 3 B-board (no A/no C) that's had it's socketed ROMs removed and replaced with conversion data to use the B21 C-board.
50$ PayPal gift, but I won't ship to Euro sorry.
Thanks for the offer, but I'm good as far as CPS1 boards are concerned ^_^
@donluca, please update your profile with your approx. location.
That's cool. I would be in for 1. But is it possible to realize the CPS 1.5 Q-sound board function ? :D :D
I would rather have the CPS1.5 games running on the CPS2 multi somehow to maintain the qsound/stereo ;)
I have watched several video clips on Youtube that someone ran "The Punisher" and "Cadillacs & dinosaurs" on real CPS2 hardware. It was awesome!
I would like to try on my CPS2 board but cannot find the ROM on internet. || ||
That's cool. I would be in for 1. But is it possible to realize the CPS 1.5 Q-sound board function ? :D :D
I would rather have the CPS1.5 games running on the CPS2 multi somehow to maintain the qsound/stereo ;)
I have watched several video clips on Youtube that someone ran "The Punisher" and "Cadillacs & dinosaurs" on real CPS2 hardware. It was awesome!I would like to try on my CPS2 board but cannot find the ROM on internet. || ||
Thats' because it hasnt been released. It was not final version 100% AFAIK.
yes it is still in work, I think some forum members are/have been working on it.
I'm sure it will happen at some point 8)
I would rather have the CPS1.5 games running on the CPS2 multi somehow to maintain the qsound/stereo
That's the key, Q-Sound... Even IF a CPS1 multi supported the 1.5 games, you would be required to use a 1.5 A-board for its Q-Sound chip.

@karaschen do you own a Punisher/C&D/WoF/SNSM?
If not guess what you've gotta find/purchase in addition to the theoretical multi kit to complete option one. :P

The only other option (2) would be to hack/cut out the Q-Sound and replace it with ADPCM...
This is what the bootlegs did I guess? I've never personally seen one, and I don't care to ever find one.

Understand option 2 sucks really bad, so bad I wouldn't even bother with it period.
Option 1 could be perfect, in fact it could be really cool just OMG WOW!
However it's not going to come cheap, as it will add complexity and most people do NOT have 1.5 A-Boards (if they did they probably wouldn't want the support in the multi as badly).
Option 1 could be perfect, in fact it could be really cool just OMG WOW!
However it's not going to come cheap, as it will add complexity and most people do NOT have 1.5 A-Boards (if they did they probably wouldn't want the support in the multi as badly).
Not cheap... but we have an army of CPS2 Multi owners in here who would fund that kind of research...
Not cheap... but we have an army of CPS2 Multi owners in here who would fund that kind of research...
Well you also must consider that we (or rather some people *wink*) know how to make 1.5 game conversions. ;)

Yes it's done via the old standby of a SF2CE B+C boards in addition to a 1.5 A-board and I believe 4 additional Q-Sound ROMs.

Point being I only really like 3 games on the CPS1.5, all that can be done with one 1.5 A-board, 3 CE B-boards, and one CE C-board (handful of Q-sound chips) and just changing the configuration around (I actually own all this hardware right now).
Point being I only really like 3 games on the CPS1.5, all that can be done with one 1.5 A-board, 3 CE B-boards, and one CE C-board (handful of Q-sound chips) and just changing the configuration around (I actually own all this hardware right now).
Not bad... but just to get that one 1.5 A board it's pricey, now. I'd rather donate to the cause to get 1.5's running on the cps2 multi, if that is an option. No idea if that's realistic though. Maybe @Apocalypse?

But I'm glad there's a backup option, even if it involving lots of winking. ;) Maybe I'll keep my eye out for a 1.5 A in the meantime. I really only like a couple games as well, but they'd be great to have.

CPS1.5 games on CPS2 benefits current and future CPS2 multi owners

CPS1.5 games playable on a CPS1 multi benefits future CPS1 multi owners

I see no down side to perusing both avenues.
CPS1.5 on CPS2 is doable.
CPS1.5 on CPS1 I don't see how this would be possible? Downsampling effects for non Q-Sound? Designing a Q-Sound board replacement or emmbedding its functionalities on the multi board?
On my side I've hacked CPS1.5 games for non Q-Sound using bootlegs sound ROMs. Not ideal but at least you can play non hacked versions of the games (no additionnal BS, levels in the right order, OG title screen, etc.)
CPS1.5 on CPS2 is doable.
CPS1.5 on CPS1 I don't see how this would be possible? Downsampling effects for non Q-Sound? Designing a Q-Sound board replacement or emmbedding its functionalities on the multi board?
On my side I've hacked CPS1.5 games for non Q-Sound using bootlegs sound ROMs. Not ideal but at least you can play non hacked versions of the games (no additionnal BS, levels in the right order, OG title screen, etc.)
@Apocalypse Please elaborate more.
I was actually thinking on the multi and I see 2 options:
A) Either convert ALL the graphics and code to make a CPS1.5 game work on CPS2, which is a HUGE thing or
B) leave those CPS1.5 games as they are but adapt the sound so it works on CPS1. That means that either I add extra circuitry on the *potential* CPS1 Multi or I use boot romsets like you have found....
As I said, PM with more info on that conversion please.