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Official: CPS1 (CPS1.5) Multi by Darksoft/Apocalypse - Interest Check Thread

I'd also be in for one. Hope it can be done, run Cadillacs and Dinosaurs properly, and not require a CPS 1.5 board, because all of them seem to be expensive now. LOL!
I'd probably get one, though I don't have any CPS1 hardware at the moment :whistling:
Then get yourself some, this is one highly sought after multi. I believe it’s gonna have awesome sales for Darksoft if he makes one. He does have it on his to do list so it will happen sooner or later. But yeah, in the meantime get yourself some cps1 games,
When a multi for the CPS1 does get created, will any existing CPS1 boards be compatible or is there something in particular I should look for?
When a multi for the CPS1 does get created, will any existing CPS1 boards be compatible or is there something in particular I should look for?
Way too early to say. If I was a betting man though, I’d recommend picking up a Street Fighter II Champion Edition board. That board has the faster 12mhz CPU and is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. It’s also the target board for pretty much all the current conversions.
Way too early to say. If I was a betting man though, I’d recommend picking up a Street Fighter II Champion Edition board. That board has the faster 12mhz CPU and is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. It’s also the target board for pretty much all the current conversions.
What happens if you run a later game on an earlier motherboard, or vice versa? Does the game just run with more slowdowns?
Way too early to say. If I was a betting man though, I’d recommend picking up a Street Fighter II Champion Edition board. That board has the faster 12mhz CPU and is plentiful and relatively inexpensive. It’s also the target board for pretty much all the current conversions.
What happens if you run a later game on an earlier motherboard, or vice versa? Does the game just run with more slowdowns?
The early 10mhz games run exactly the same on the 12mhz board. Capcom programmed them to accommodate a faster processor.
I prefer to match my A-boards to whatever the game would have originally required/used (10mhz or 12mhz).
You can check the MAME source to get this information.
Hope it can be done, run Cadillacs and Dinosaurs properly, and not require a CPS 1.5 board
The only way this could be possible would be to hack out the Q-Sound code and replace it with Yamaha compliant ADPCM.
I would never personally accept this as a solution, as it would be very far from authentic sounding.

No two ways about it, if you want proper CPS1.5 support you NEED a 1.5 A-board.
What are good donor games for a potential CPS1 multi. I'm a total CPS1 noob.
SF2:CE (with its 12mhz A-board and B21 C-board) :)

Of course again this would exclude CPS1.5 games, assuming they could be loaded via a multi you would then also want (in addition to the SF2:CE) a Punisher (for its 1.5 A-board).
I think @kuze said it best... Any CPS1 multi should remove the 1.5 games, it's going to add a level of expense (you'll need a Punisher) and complexity (the Z80 is encrypted) that will only hinder progress/wide scale adoption.

Our best option for CPS1.5 going forward is to rework the code to play on the CPS2 multi.
A few guys here have already attempted it, and the progress was advancing slowly for a time.
As I promised, I will donate my real Punisher board (complete original working) to the person who can make it happen.
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in the meantime get yourself some cps1 games
What are good donor games for a potential CPS1 multi. I'm a total CPS1 noob.
ShootTheCore recommended SFII':CE earlier on the page. Now I just need to figure out what a reasonable price would be. I've already got Hyper Fighting on my CPS2 multi for my SFII fix, so I might even be able to get away with a semi-working board.
can anyone compile a list from MAME about which games run 10/12mhz? I like to match my boards to be like they should be as well ;)

So far I have these running on 10mhz
Final Fight

And these on 12mhz
Now I just need to figure out what a reasonable price would be.
Thankfully ST2CE seems to be a pretty common board. Theres one for sale on KLOV right now at $200, and one on ebay at that price too. though I have no idea if that's a good or bad price.
Now I just need to figure out what a reasonable price would be.
Thankfully ST2CE seems to be a pretty common board. Theres one for sale on KLOV right now at $200, though I have no idea if that's a good or bad price.
I don't see them for less than $150, and when I do they sell quickly. I'd say that's the low end for these, now. I bet it will sell at $200 but it might be on the market for a little while.
Yea 150~200$ is the new going rate for a CE... For a long time you could get these complete for about 100$, but that was before the word about converting them got out.
I personally own 4 CE board stacks, but 3 of them have been converted (GnG, Captain Commando, Knights of the Round) my Final Fight is real/original.
can anyone compile a list from MAME about which games run 10/12mhz? I like to match my boards to be like they should be as well ;)

So far I have these running on 10mhz
Final Fight

And these on 12mhz
Not from MAME, but I can remember most of them

Final Fight
Forgotten Worlds
Carrier Air Wing
Dynasty Wars
UN Squadron
Magic Sword

Knights of the Round
Captain Commando
Capcom World 2
Three Wonders (first game on 12mhz if I'm not mistaken)
Pang! 3
Pang! 3 should also be alright. It's the newer, short 12Mhz A-board and has the B21 C-Board, which, most importantly, is the battery-less variant, so you don't have to worry if it suicides.

You can get Pang! 3 for 80-100€ if you are patient, I got mine for 80€ + shipping IIRC.

The prices of SFII (any version) has skyrocketed, I really wanted one but I can only find for 200€ or more.