I believe the Konami e-Amusement, Taito NESICA, Namco Bana-passport and Sega ALL.net card don't actually store player/game information on the card but rather just use the card's unique key to find user data on the game server. These card's are also cross compatible within network. So if you have an IIDX card it can also be used on DDR or any other e-Amusement games. these cards are pretty much useless without the machine connected to the online servers.Here's a page with some various arcade cards displayed:
I believe all the cards that have printed data on the front and a silver back are basically the same kind of card and are probably cross compatible with games that use this kind of card. I would think the only unintended consequence would be that one game prints text in an area that's not white, but the printed text has nothing to do with the stored data, AFAIK.
I believe they're also RFID and not magnetic strip.
I feel like the whole mag-card thing was kind of a brief phase before they moved to universal cards and server connectivity.