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I think I will give MiSTer FPGA a try, but I'm a bit lost.

So if I check the github and what is written in this thread, I think I need:
  • DE-10
  • I/O board 6.0 (so I can plug it to a CRT screen or an HDMI modern TV)
  • RTC board 1.3 (for Amiga)
  • SDRAM XSD board 2.4 (with 128MB for NeoGeo)
  • 7 ports USB-Hub 2.1 (for connecting easily keyboard, joypad... without power issue)
  • MiSTer LL Cool Joy (when it will be available)
Did I miss something ?

I can find DE-10 easily, but for all the daugter boards, I'm wondering where to find assembled ones in Europe ?

Last question: is it better to plug it directly to an HDMI screen, or is it better to plug it in an OSSC ?

If you want to get started you just need the DE10-nano, that is how i got started. With only the DE10-nano you can use a lot of awesome cores - PC Engine and others. As an added bonus you get a 400USD FPGA for about $120USD because intel subsidise it for education reasons. Not sure how long that's going to last if MiSTer becomes super popular.

Also you don't need the RTC board - unless you are a die hard fan of the system that needs it. Even if you are.. i still question the need for and RTC..

Finally i use OSSC in one of my neogeo cabs, and no you don't need one with MiSTer. The available scaling methods are not on par yet (no line 5x in mister) but an OSSC still isn't worth it with MiSTer IMO.
Another argument against the RTC board is that iIf your MiSTer is connected to the Internet with either Ethernet or a USB WiFi then it updates the clock at bootup and passes that on to the Amiga and other cores that use it.
Thanks guys for your help.
I will first start with the de10-nano.
I was thinking it was easy to find, but it's not available on Amazon de or fr :(
Do you know what are the differences between SDRAM XS 2.2 and XSD 2.4 ?
Same question for USB hub 1.2 and 2.1, and for IO 5.6, 5.6 XL and 6.0 ?
I can't find a release note on github.
Do you know what are the differences between SDRAM XS 2.2 and XSD 2.4 ?
XS is extra small form so it generally fits MiSTer cases, XSD is XS form with dual chips so that upto 128MB (64MB x 2) SD RAM can be available for use with Amiga core and couple of neogeo games. afaik XSD is only 128mb so its going to be pricey.

and for IO 5.6, 5.6 XL and 6.0 ?
IO 5.6 and 6.0 has no added functionality, 6.0 is easier to assemble not sure what XL is.

I dont know about the usb hub though, unless the prices of the newer models are over your budget, best to stick to the newer versions.
not sure what XL is
XL I/O Boards are slightly longer and have all four mounting holes. Non XL are offered as they're cheaper to order from PCB fabs.

I've had zero issues with the non XL version.
Why is it that I can play games that have SNES expansion chips on my MiSTer but I can't play them on my Super NT? Just curious...
Why is it that I can play games that have SNES expansion chips on my MiSTer but I can't play them on my Super NT? Just curious...
Afaik SuperNT relies on original hardware expansion chips instead of emulating it. So, either you need the OG carts or for rhawms you need SD2SNES / Pro which emulates the expansion chips on FPGA in the cart.
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You can buy a complete MiSTer here with 64Mb SDRam.

I'm waiting for 128Mb release, and then I'll we buy it. Meanwhile I'm using a MiST.
You can buy a complete MiSTer here with 64Mb SDRam.

I'm waiting for 128Mb release, and then I'll we buy it. Meanwhile I'm using a MiST.
Pretty case on that one, but I wanna use it with Blisster so the non-standard form factor would kill it for me.
Nice, sound is the missing piece to move forward to port to the MiSTer...well done Rick :thumbsup: ...let the MiSTer people take care of that and start analyzing the newer caves PCBs..
Thanks for your help, I've received my MiSTer, so I can start playing with it :)
I've tried TG16 core and I find the lag too high.
Is there something to be done on the MiSTer config file to reduce it ?

