In regards to Mark of the Wolves proto and final version, I messaged rewrite to bring this his to attention. He suggested this to be posted here to clear up what's what with the proto and final version. Here is a copy and paste of said message.
Hey rewrite. Seen that one guy ask about MOTW if it's the prototype version or the final in your multi interest check thread. Was going to comment, but didn't want to come off as if I'm putting your efforts down. Anyway so there is a prototype version of this game, which is used in the 161 in 1. The final version wont run on the 161 in 1, as far as I know, because it uses a custom mapper which the cpld does not support. This version is without endings when you beat it, and also surfers from a bug which freezes the game when preforming a certain move. Also the title screen is a bit different, among other small changes.
Now some claim the 138 in 1 version is the final. I have this cart and tested it. The freezing bug has been patched, and the title screen resembles that of the final. The endings are still not there though unfortunately. Rom hackers way back in the day probably patched the proto to be closer to the final, but at the time no emulators supported the custom mapper so the final version was not playable. You can get this version from an old neoragex romset, and currently is the best available version to use to my knowledge.
I believe the final version with decrypted Vroms would take extensive asm disassembly and editing to get running on the 161 in 1 unfortunately. I've brought it up a couple times in the main 161 in 1 mod thread, but no one has commented on it. ack did however suggest in a chat that if we can get someone with a real flash cart, we could test modifications out before flashing a 161 in 1.
The rom set for the hacked updated version of neoragex 5.2a, has fully decrypted Vroms and is the final version, but I think it may still be using the new mapper. I'm not 100% sure. It will likely run on the 161 in 1 if it isn't.
If someone has access to, preferably a DarkSoft flash cart, then testing could be done to get the final version running on the 161 in 1. Too much work to be soldering and reprograming each chip to test. Please leave a message if you have one and would like to help. Terraonion's flash cart may work in testing as well, but not 100% sure.