So I ran into some problems. I installed my home, select, L3 and R3 buttons yesterday. Initially they weren't being recognized by Steam's controller test. However, inexplicably, after some time they kinda just showed up. Fine, I figured, not a problem. Even after restarts, they worked, and they also worked on the Xbox 360, not just the PC, so no harm no foul.
Only one issue was happening, and that was the guide button only worked about 2/3 of the time. It wasn't the end of the world, as it's just a guide button, but it was still a bit odd. No grounding issues, my harnesses that plugged into the Hadouken custom IO were made by him and installed in the correct spot, so who knows.
A couple hours of gaming later and suddenly I notice my LB has been changed to RB, and my RB to RT. Just... suddenly. I spend the rest of Sunday and Sunday night going over every connection, every wire, verifying no grounding was happening anywhere etc, but could find no issue.
Oddly, Steam seemed to recognize the controls were correct until I reset the controls to stock default, however games regardless of what Steam said, all saw the controls as messed up where those two buttons were. Mind you, the moment the LB and RB controls borked, the guide button worked perfectly from there on out, which is odd.
I came to the obvious conclusion. It can't be the wiring harness as the backup harness I had produced the same results. It couldn't be the custom IO as it doesn't allow for button input changes etc. So it MUST be the Brook UFB. There's literally no other components between the control panel and the computer/xbox.
So I ordered a new Brook UFB on Amazon and got it in yesterday. As you can imagine, much to my shock, when I plugged it in... same results. Unfortunately, only the Brook XB Fighting Board gives you a GUI program to remap controls, so there was no recourse.
Chris from hadouken did offer to help, but honestly at this point I had already been at least 8 hours into this troubleshooting, and to prevent this from happening again or having it hang over my head, I decided to directly wire up everything to the Brook, myself.
It took some time to make all the wires/quick disconnects and negative daisy chains, but it's done and beautiful. I've bundled up the wires in a way that nothing pinches and there's tons of clearance space, and now there is a metric ton of space in the control panel that's empty that used to be taken up by the custom IO and the stock wiring harness.
Very happy, everything works perfectly, and crisis averted. If I had known I could do this so relatively easily, myself, I'd had done this from the start.