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Update on above. Spoke to TianFeng about his HD15-2-Scart. Of course not much difference using his adapter other than more cost effective shielded cables over MiniDin to SCART for most use cases. However my focus was mainly with RetroTINK5X, which he confirmed can be a solid use case for TAITO F3, based on it's current behavior with OSSC, despite RetroTINK5X clearly being a different device that doesn't play well with SCART TTL. Now he can't guarantee this working since that's all up to the RetroTINK5X. For my part in all this, it's mainly for the name of science. I want to test it out. Looking forward to his adapter to arrive. Nice to have another extra tool for my tech kit.
Fair enough, I do NOT mean to scare away anyone posting cool new things and options, so thank you for doing so. My response was only so that new buyers of the HAS and OSSC don't spend extra money when they don't need to do so.

If you have a HAS, the D15 adapter (you're correct it doesn't convert a signal, just adapts the connector), which by the way is an extra cost and you have to order it separately, you can play TAITO F3 games fine on an OSSC. The only thing you'll miss out on is the OSSCs low pass filter, as AV3 on the OSSC does not have it. But it's not really needed for F3 as the HAS has you covered.

IMO, you're just getting something extra that doesn't do much for you, but the adapter itself is very cool, useful in many other cases, and also helps with the OSSC not having a LPF on the AV3 input, as Bob mentions in the video. It's a cool thing, you just don't need it for the HAS!
Fair enough, I do NOT mean to scare away anyone posting cool new things and options, so thank you for doing so. My response was only so that new buyers of the HAS and OSSC don't spend extra money when they don't need to do so.

If you have a HAS, the D15 adapter (you're correct it doesn't convert a signal, just adapts the connector), which by the way is an extra cost and you have to order it separately, you can play TAITO F3 games fine on an OSSC. The only thing you'll miss out on is the OSSCs low pass filter, as AV3 on the OSSC does not have it. But it's not really needed for F3 as the HAS has you covered.

IMO, you're just getting something extra that doesn't do much for you, but the adapter itself is very cool, useful in many other cases, and also helps with the OSSC not having a LPF on the AV3 input, as Bob mentions in the video. It's a cool thing, you just don't need it for the HAS!
No offense taken, totally understand where you're going with it. The more discussions we get out there, can only benefit others so they can read what we went through haha.
With that said I got my @axunworks PSU. Works great with HAS, dedicated Power cable is clean AF! We'll check out internals soon.










I asked this earlier on the harness thread, but perhaps some one in here has the JAMMA pinout for HAS?

I'm connecting buttons 5-6 to my previously 4 button Tekken cabinet. Do you have a JAMMA pinout where to connect those, so they would be compatible with HAS Extension cable?

If not, then I will just have to figure those buttons with multi meter.
Still no luck running Dodonpachi or Esprade. Tried it with the HD15 adapter through the OSSC and with RGB SCART, and it's telling me no sync. I think I've tried every combination of TTL and CSync settings, but no dice.

Oddly enough, I tried Espgaluda on the HD15 adapter and it wouldn't sync with AV3 (RGBHV), but did work just fine through RGsB.
Still no luck running Dodonpachi or Esprade. Tried it with the HD15 adapter through the OSSC and with RGB SCART, and it's telling me no sync. I think I've tried every combination of TTL and CSync settings, but no dice.

Oddly enough, I tried Espgaluda on the HD15 adapter and it wouldn't sync with AV3 (RGBHV), but did work just fine through RGsB.
I forget, does everything else work? Are you sure the carts work? (or are they the actual PCBs?) On the PGM the bootleg carts have issues all the time and need to be pretty clean to work.
I forget, does everything else work? Are you sure the carts work? (or are they the actual PCBs?) On the PGM the bootleg carts have issues all the time and need to be pretty clean to work.

Using the Espgaluda PCB. Espgaluda's the only other game I tested via HD15 - the rest were through RGB SCART.

Pretty much everything else works. I know OutZone doesn't, but that's the only other exception. But Guwange is fine, Armed Police Batrider is fine. It's weird. I know the boards in question work, and the audio and controls are working just fine on the HAS. Just the video that's not playing nicely.
Looking to purchase a supergun. Any idea when the list will be open again?
Still no luck running Dodonpachi or Esprade. Tried it with the HD15 adapter through the OSSC and with RGB SCART, and it's telling me no sync. I think I've tried every combination of TTL and CSync settings, but no dice.

Oddly enough, I tried Espgaluda on the HD15 adapter and it wouldn't sync with AV3 (RGBHV), but did work just fine through RGsB.

Have you tried similar settings as TAITO F3?

TTL Level on Sync (JP2 Open)
SW1 in position B (Buffered Sync)

H-PLL pre and post coast = 4
Got my MiniDin to Scart from RGC to connect HAS to RetroTINK5X. WORKS! Super simple to connect and sync. No more fiddling with TTL and H.PLL 4 settings in OSSC. I feel the picture is much better also. Still waiting on that HD15 Adapter from TianFeng to test. When it finally comes in we'll see what it can do.




What do i have to set to get a picture with OSSC (VGA HAS adapter) and PCBs or CPS2?
Did try almost all combinations now, nothing :(

EDIT; LOL! Me idiot, wtf is that picture O___o
WOW <3
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Another sneak peek.


This is the CXA2075 based video encoder for the HAS. It outputs Composite Video, S-Video and DC coupled RGB via the PlayStation AV Multi. However, it can be easily upgraded to output Component Video (YPbPr) by installing the Viletim's NESRGB Component Video Board. I need to admit that the video quality is phenomenal with this addon.

Good day Sir,

I was wondering if I could send you this adapter of mine just to verify its operation please? I use to work and now I am having some issues with no sound/video coming out either RGB/Component.
Something happened to my LK button, it won’t register anymore. I thought it was the Undamned adapter but I opened that up and nothing was wrong. I put it on the first player port and it worked fine.

Anyway that was me Troubleshooting it. I was playing CvS2 against someone and in one of the matches LK stopped registering for him, first I thought it was his stick, and then I did the tests to lead up to it being not the adapters. I guess I’ll try to unplug and replug everything again.

Edit: Good news and bad news. Good news, it’s not the HAS or even the Undamned adapters. Bad news it’s Naomi related, something happened to my Naomi or the Capcom IO itself.
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Something happened to my LK button, it won’t register anymore. I thought it was the Undamned adapter but I opened that up and nothing was wrong. I put it on the first player port and it worked fine.

Anyway that was me Troubleshooting it. I was playing CvS2 against someone and in one of the matches LK stopped registering for him, first I thought it was his stick, and then I did the tests to lead up to it being not the adapters. I guess I’ll try to unplug and replug everything again.

Edit: Good news and bad news. Good news, it’s not the HAS or even the Undamned adapters. Bad news it’s Naomi related, something happened to my Naomi or the Capcom IO itself.

Have you checked your CPS2 kick harness? Perhaps it's a connection issue.
I got a Robocop PCB delivered yesterday and went to play it this morning through my HAS. It looks great on my PVM and Audio is perfect, but i can't jump. Has anyone run into this issue by chance?
I got a Robocop PCB delivered yesterday and went to play it this morning through my HAS. It looks great on my PVM and Audio is perfect, but i can't jump. Has anyone run into this issue by chance?
Push the TEST button from HAS supergun to enter in System menu . Maybe there you can test every buttons from your stick and see if you have signal when you push them…

Here is a copy of Robocop manual : https://www.arcade-museum.com/manuals-videogames/R/robocop_manual.pdf