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CPS2 Suicide Free Modchip

Did you know that had a time that they din't care about case colors? My first BR Marvel Super heroes was green, with a paper stick fake label, and below was a Night Warriors orignal label and again was a SFIIX Jap label.
South America Capcom was wild west :)
Also, unique stamping on many:


Yes, hahaha
I love it!
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With the modchip my restoration was completed.
What paint did you used? Looks good, won't shine too much.
I had the color done on the matte lacquer friend, it was very close to the original.
Eu mandei fazer a cor no laca fosco amigo, ficou bem próximo da original, gora que vi que vc também é Brasileiro rsrsr.
Did you know that had a time that they din't care about case colors? My first BR Marvel Super heroes was green, with a paper stick fake label, and below was a Night Warriors orignal label and again was a SFIIX Jap label.
South America Capcom was wild west :)
Also, unique stamping on many:


Is that a yellow rental board, or an orange South America board? My eyes suck and can see it being either.
O que outras pessoas estão dizendo
With the modchip my restoration was completed.
What paint did you used? Looks good, won't shine too much.
I had the color done on the matte lacquer friend, it was very close to the original.
Eu mandei fazer a cor no laca fosco amigo, ficou bem próximo da original, gora que vi que vc também é Brasileiro rsrsr.
Can you give the model of the paint that you used there please?
Manda o modelo e cor da tinta, por favor? Ficou muito bacana nas fotos.
Had some SOIC8-to-DIP8 PCB's and DIP8 sockets laying around from other projects (RGB amps and such). Been working on some CPS2 resurrections and conversions. So I figure I could use them all together to make life a little easier if I need to reprogram the PIC's or move from one B-board to the next.

The need to solder is still there. But beats pulling solder off a an IC.



  • aje_fr_back_socketed.JPG
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I knew it. You hinted about it a few posts back. I just knew you would cook something up @Frank_fjs!

Demonstrate what you mean by angled surface mount header for programming? I can't seem to picture it. Otherwise, I'd ask for a DIP8 through-holes package around that SOIC8 for re-programming flexibility. Actually, having a DIP8 package in there would save folks the trouble of finding an adapter for their programmers.
Dip packages aren't suitable as pending installation one needs to rest the bottom of the modchip PCB to the bottom of the CPS2 PCB. This can damage the CPS2 PCB or create a short. With a surface mount PCB the bottom of the modchip PCB is completely flat with no exposed connections.

The programming header is simply a standard 2.54mm angled surface mount header.
So something like this, right?


So if you were to invert the PCB into a programmer, wouldn't the pins be out of place? Or would you still need an adapter or ribbon cable?

Ahh, yes. DIP8 wouldn't work in that design for the reasons you've mentioned.
Almost like that but angled instead of vertical.

I've made a custom cable to program, one end connects to the angled pin header while the other has a dip 8 socket.
I like how you added in the thought to allow for reprogramming. I say don't ever release it though. Let undamned and PAS be rewarded for their contributions. I see profiteers would eat that PCB up. Plus aje_fr's work was meant to be free, not packaged with something else and sold.
Agreed. I shall never release it, it's just for my own personal use as I had a few CPS2 boards I wanted to make battery less.
Just wanted thank @aje_fr for his efforts in putting these programs together.
I have an irrational hatred/fear of having batteries on boards, and this allows me to get rid of them completely.

I'm a DIY kind of guy, and it inspired me to take on my first PCB project ever.
Learning how to use Kicad was not as bad as it first seemed, and I'm really happy with how the boards turned out.
Since I prefer to not solder things directly to boards whenever possible, I opted to go with something that would use a connector instead of soldering to the back side of the B board. I went with a simple design that only works on B boards that have CN9 present (since all of mine do). Contemplated using the SMD version of the PIC chips but I seem to have misplaced my programming adapter, so DIP it is.
Still waiting on connectors from JST to arrive for plugging into CN9 but I was able to confirm the code works great on my B boards by just holding and pressing the PCB pads to the CN9 pins.

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first time i'm trying this solution but i'm having problems right on the first game i try.

The game is Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980112) .I forgot to check the version before removing the battery, but my eproms say "mvcj.03" and "mvcj.04" so i'm assuming the right hex file to burn is "mvscjr1".

I can't make it work.

One thing i find strange is that i compared "mvscjr1" to "mvscj" and my programmer (Wellon VP-280) says that the files are the same.Is this normal? Same encryption key for different romsets?

Also, i should add that it's the first time i'm trying to burn a PIC, so i might be doing something wrong...

Thank you all in advance.
When I burn the pic I have 3F innstead of FF in tthe HEX, how to set up my top 300 programmer please?


first time i'm trying this solution but i'm having problems right on the first game i try.

The game is Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Japan 980112) .I forgot to check the version before removing the battery, but my eproms say "mvcj.03" and "mvcj.04" so i'm assuming the right hex file to burn is "mvscjr1".

I can't make it work.

One thing i find strange is that i compared "mvscjr1" to "mvscj" and my programmer (Wellon VP-280) says that the files are the same.Is this normal? Same encryption key for different romsets?

Also, i should add that it's the first time i'm trying to burn a PIC, so i might be doing something wrong...

Thank you all in advance.
Yes, it is common for different versions of the same game to have the same key. It is also common for there to be different keys between regions. So all of the japanese releases of MVC will use the same key file. I think there are some cases though where different revisions have different keys. You can check what keys are used in the mame code sheet for cps2.

Before using the modchip was it keyed or phoenix? Do you know for sure that the encryption circuit is working?

When you installed it, did you do it on the bottom side of the board? Let me see your solder joints, maybe that's the problem? If it's installed correctly it may not be getting enough power to program the keys. CPS2 I think needs to have strong 5v to program the keys.