You can always get your cartridge battery changed so the battery can last a few more years.
@Mitsurugi-w should be able to change the batteries for you. Reach out to him if you want to go down that path. He'll also be able to flash your cart with any flash you wish and he might even have a few more repro carts if you want to keep your original JBA cart. I'm sure the price of the repro cart is cheaper than the Aliexpress version
If you put an UltraBios in, you will need to re-write the game as the original flashed game won't work. Since you have a NoCD version of the game, I'd suggest you get a BlueSCSI or any other SCSI2SD device to allow you to write the game.
All the UltraBios flash has a choose region selection screen on boot, so if you want an auto boot into the game without having that selection screen, you're going to need to use one of the SuperBios below