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Jul 21, 2015
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It seems that this year 3D printing is taking a big leap forward, a couple of new printers on the market have blown my mind and I wanted to share.

First printer that blew my mind this year is the FormLabs Fuse 1


This is a Selective laser Sintering (SLS) printer, parts from this come out at way higher resolution than FDM printers, at much faster speeds, they're solid plastic, strong, flexible, and there's no limitations in terms of needing to build support material or overhangs since the parts are suspended in powder. SLS printers previously were stupid expensive... like $80K-$100K expensive. When you order parts from shapeways they use an SLS (and charge you a small fortune to cover the costs of their expensive printer).

another cool feature of these is that you can stack parts vertically when printing so you can print a lot more parts at once.

The second printer that has blown my mind this year is the BLACKBELT:


This uses the old FDM technology but prints at a 45 degree angle on a treadmill... this means that you can print infinite length parts as long as the width and height is below 13in... I mean you could print whole control panels with this thing... you could print complete enclosures for most PCB (as long as they're below 13in on the short side).

not only that but because it prints on a 45 it means that it can print overhangs without support material so long as there's a wall on one side. Super Impressive.

also a printer like this could be setup to make item after item after item and just drop them in a bin, so you could set it up and then leave it running without having to clear the print platform after ever part.

I can't reasonably justify buying either of these printers currently (the Fuse 1 is $10K and the Blackbelt is $8.5K), but here's hoping that the costs of this tech comes down a bit further over the next few years. (or who knows maybe my part sales will explode and I'll need to buy one to up production).
I would keep an eye on the tread mill printer. See if they get shut down. As there's a patent on that technology. Several small REPRAP offshoots have tried and been shut down cus of it. Or maybe they'll luck out and the patent finally expired.

FormLabs had the same thing happen to them. Turns out another company owned the patent on light sensitive resin for 3d printing. FormLabs almost went under immediately, but they worked a deal with the patent holder.
yeah, looking into it more the patent is owned by Stratasys. Maybe the cost is so high because of licensing? I mean it really doesn't look like it's an $8K printer.
I swear, if I could repro a bezel for my E3, I'd rip that monitor out and drop in a MS9 combo and be over the moon.
I think that'd bee too big for either of these printers (the conveyor belt one can only do infinite length but only items up to 13" wide).

your best bet for repoing the bezel is making a repo out of fiberglas. if you're serious about it there are lots of videos about duplicating car body panels in fiberglas.
In terms of belt style beds, Printrbot sells one called the Printrbelt for $1,499. Max X and Y dimensions is a bit small though (6" x 6")

yeah I've seen that. the small size makes it pretty useless for printing parts of "infinite" length. it's only real use is for queuing up prints, but even then 6x6 is very limiting.
Hi :

Good afternoon all, I am keeping my eye out newer technology in 3D printing.
I have some upkeep of injection moulding that is no longer available. Would be nice to be able to scan and print duplicates of what I have.
Most of the items I need to recreate are within facial contact of people, to be worn and or come in contact with hands.
So I am hoping for a rugged smooth copy or someone who will copy my items.
Would prefer to do this myself as some of the designs are not allowed to be shared atm.
Thanks guys for the nice wrap up so far.
