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Mar 3, 2016
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Nebraska, USA
Hey all,

Ive got two sega chihiro boards and I was hoping to get a working type 3 so I could play some outrun 2 SP on my driver.
I'm running into these issues with my setup-

Type 1- usb, vga, power and avip cable plugged in. On power up, the red and green LEDs flash in an alternating pattern.

Type 3- usb, vga, power, and avip cable plugged in. On power up I get the chihiro splash screen with error 02- main board malfunctioning.

I've gout no clue on what to do with the type 1or if it's even worth fixing.

For the type 3, ive read a few threads here and elsewhere stating its likely a cap issue. Should I recap the xbox motherboard or the board on top of that? Additionally, does anyone have a part number for the top boards caps if those are the problem? I have the caps for the xbox board already and the clock cap is removed
Type 1- usb, vga, power and avip cable plugged in. On power up, the red and green LEDs flash in an alternating pattern.
try swapping your AVIP cable with the other unit.
FRAGing (Flashing Red And Green) is what the Xbox mobo does when it can't find a major component, and is most often caused by a missing or bad AV cable.

you could also try transplanting the whole Type 3 media board and base board onto the type 1 unit.
okay, did some more fiddling-
I've only got the one AVIP, no matter how I reseated it, i got the same from the type 1, kinda leaning towards that motherboard being forked.
so i moved back over to the type 3, since i could at least get display.
swapped the main board (not the xbox board) and got error 26, media board failure.
inserted a zero key and a raspberry pi plugged in to the ethernet, and now it gives error 31.
pushed outrun 2 over the network and it rebooted into test menu (is that normal?)
after a bit it rebooted again and is giving me an I/O error (Error 12: JVS I/O Board does not fulfill the game spec)
I'm assuming that means the I/O is just straight up incompatible.
I've got a stock crazy taxi, is there any I/O that works for both the chihiro driving games and the Naomi games?
The one in my cab has a Jamma edge - https://wiki.arcadeotaku.com/w/File:Sega-io-838-13683-02-pcb.jpg
Which jumper do you mean? I'm not seeing one on the IO
Okay despite my oncoming blindness, I found the jumper.
It was already on B so I swapped it over to A with the same result.
Swapped it back again and still getting the same error
More digging-
I swap to the test menu and go to the game settings for outrun 2, change the cabinet type from standard to upright and exit.
Back to the bios screen, I get error 33, gateway not found.
While in the test menu, I can mess with the IO and steering/braking/gas all work fine
Chihiro mobo = Xbox mobo
Chihiro "Base board" = that board that sits directly on top of the mobo
Chihiro "Media Board" = everything in the top half of the case.

Whither a Chihiro is Type 1 or Type 3 depends on the media board it's equipped with. the type 1 media board uses the NAOMI style DIMM board, and the type 3 Media board is a more all-in-one unit. The mobo and base board are the same regardless of it being a type 1 or type 3.

you need to make sure your Zero Key is good and compatible with the media board type or you may get Gateway errors

Also, are you using the correct game image for your Chihiro version? it should be matched to your media board and amount of RAM?
For any given Chihiro game there may be as many as 4 versions of the game image:
Type 1 with 512MB RAM, Type 1 with 1GB RAM, Type 3

If you're getting an IO error that generally means that IO board may not be compatible with that SPECIFIC game, so try a different game, preferably one with less stingy IO requirements. (maybe house of the dead 3?)

As for the Jumper I mentioned. in "B" mode the Extra IO header is used for outputs (like lamps), and in "A" mobe the Extra IO header is used for inputs (like kick buttons). Depending on the game it will throw an error if the jumper is wrong... for instance with Capcom VS SNK you will get an IO board error if it's mode "B" since it wants kick buttons. but if you're playing virtual On it will throw an error if it's mode "A" since it wants lamp outputs.
I just fixed 3 Chihiro this week with that red green flashing it is these caps, while in there check other caps and make sure gpu fan is working well, I always change supercap while i'm in there!


Now several hours of testing!

okay, so a rundown of what i've got going with the type 3
boots to error 31 game not compatible
push the game from the piforce tools box and it reboots to test menu.
after the data is pushed it reboots again to the splash screen, then goes black and I get JVS error 12
JVS board is one of the ones with an edge connector, set with the Jumper on B
I go to the test menu and set the cabinet type to upright or standard and upon exiting test, I get error 33.
I have tried Outrun_2_Special_Tours_512.bin and OR2_512.bin with the same results on my Type 3 with 512 MB ram
I got the roms from the sticky in this section.

When I tried Wangan_Midnight_Maximum_Tune_EXP_512.bin from the same place, behavior was much the same.
it started, went to a calibration thing, errored out with a wheel timeout.
i went to the test menu and turned that off and got error 33 again.
It sounds like you need a more appropriate JVS board to run on this.

IIRC Wangan Midnight has VERY strict IO board requirements, as in it will only work with a specific Namco IO board.

driving games in general have very specific IO board requirements which is why I suggested testing with HOTD3... out of all of the Chihiro games that is most likely the least picky in terms of IO board... maybe Ollie King too. If any of the driving games was going to work with the JAMMA IO maybe Crazy Taxi High Roller?

I can tell you that I've tested all of these with a Type 1 JVS IO and they all booted except Wangan.
Good to know.

as an aside, i tried netbooting from a PC running the timer hack and I was able to get around error 33, but not the I/O error.

I'm not against swapping the I/O in the cab, but do you know if a type 1 (or any other) would be compatible with the naomi for when i want to play some crazy taxi.
and while i'm at it, what IO do the wangan midnight games need? type 3?
and are the initial D games on Naomi as picky?

or maybe I'll just sell it and use the money to buy a driving game i actually like lol
Type 1 works with the entire NAOMI library including Initial D

Wangan Midnight needs a Namco IO board, "FCA" I think, I could be wrong I don't have any personal experience with it.
Never seen OutRun2 running with an 838-13683-02 i/o board. It will run fine with a type 1 or type 2, the former being original fit.

WMMT1/2 runs in a Sega driver cab with a type 1 i/o. Custom Namco FFB board is required for FFB and the wheel needs calibrating in test menu before it will run without FFB.
If thats the case id like to see what I can do about wiring in a new IO
Does anyone have a pinout or wiring guide for the IO I have and the type 1/2/3 boads?
I see some partial stuff on the AO wiki, but I'd like to be sure before I commit to the project