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Yes, on another CPS2 multi. I tried the contrast pot, no luck.
If it's not the LCD and it's not the cable, then it's the multi. Did something happened to it lately? Did you do any solder or modifications lately?
No, it's been in a proper CPS2 shell in a cab this whole time.
Is it working even if you dont see anything on the screen? Can you write a new game surfing the directory with the LCD buttons (even if you dont see what game you selected)
Yes, it works on the last game I picked. I'm hesitant to try to change it since it's on a game I wanna play for a while. I'd rather not risk bricking it unless it's totally necessary for troubleshooting.
Well, which other options you have? I'd suggest we try to troubleshoot here and it that doesnt work, then you send to master @Mitsurugi-w for further troubleshooting.
It works to program the multi, but the display is still blind.
Post a picture of your setup please. So you can't see anything on the display but button work, right? And you're cinfident it's not the contraste pot, right?
It's been in my E2 for years without issue. It's not the contrast. I adjusted all the way both directions. There's a row of fully lit chars and a row of blank chars.


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If you tried another LCD and cable, check with a testero if you have one at hand that there is proper connection between the LCD pins and the PCB. It could be a solder gone bad. If the contacts look good, reach @Mitsurugi-w so maybe he can have a look.
You can also check the pot with a meter. Is it still working and changes resistance when you turn it? Try pushing a bit the pot and resoldering the 3 pins it has.

If that doesnt work. Do you feel confident with soldering? Like you have done this a lot of times? If that's the case, try reflowing the pins on the ARM. Be careful to not bridge any pins. If you dont feel confident, then send to Mitsurugi.

I really don't think it's the pot. It dims and brightens the display as it normally would. I think I need to send it in.
dont trust your guts, trust the meter!

I'll let @Mitsurugi-w and see if he can have a look, if not, you'll have to send to me to Europe.
Anyone know the part number for a replacement 14 pin connector? I recently switched back to the original connector (from a right angle one) and I lost one of the pins somehow... I tried using a capacitor leg but I'm not sure it's working, the "up" button no longer seems to work and I'm intermittently seeing corrupted characters on the display ("Now" will display as "N0w", for example).

Anyone know the part number for a replacement 14 pin connector? I recently switched back to the original connector (from a right angle one) and I lost one of the pins somehow... I tried using a capacitor leg but I'm not sure it's working, the "up" button no longer seems to work and I'm intermittently seeing corrupted characters on the display ("Now" will display as "N0w", for example).

Thanks again Derick for the 14 pin P/N!

Anyone have any idea why these ribbon cables wouldn't work? They come in a pack of 2, and neither one worked, the LCD would just flash a few times, then nothing. The cable I am currently using works perfectly fine.

Thanks again Derick for the 14 pin P/N!

Anyone have any idea why these ribbon cables wouldn't work? They come in a pack of 2, and neither one worked, the LCD would just flash a few times, then nothing. The cable I am currently using works perfectly fine.

The headers are the wrong way.


If you want I can make you a cable quickly for cost of parts/shipping.