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Jul 21, 2015
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Honolulu, HI
The JNX Rage is a JAMMA adapter for the Primal Rage Arcade board.

Pictured is v1.0.

-Supports Negatron to add -5v
-Test Switch moveable via jumper (MVS or JAMMA)
-Supports Mono/stereo sound, selectable via Jumper

Coming in v1.1

-CPS1 and CPS2 Kick harness Support to keep proper button layout.



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Beautiful! Thanks for making these. I'm definitely in for one when they're ready.

Are the holes there to line up with the filter board's standoffs?
Beautiful! Thanks for making these. I'm definitely in for one when they're ready.

Are the holes there to line up with the filter board's standoffs?
Unfortunately no, If I was to do that I would need specific dimensions and measurements, my PCB didn't come with the filter board or the metal plate.
I'd give you them, but I'm living 6,000 miles from my PR board for a few years. Not really a big deal, since most people will want to keep their setup stock anyways.
According to DHL tracking, JNX Rage PCBs are due in on March 6th. I'll post as soon as they are available. They might be available here before they are put in the store or on ebay.

If you don't need the kick harness support added in version 1.1 then I will be selling the older version 1.0s on ebay for pretty cheap since I don't want to waste them.

Version 1.0

Version 1.1
A--B--C--D (4 button setup w/o Kick Harness)

A--B--X--X (4 button setup w/Kick Harness)

For the 4 button setup using the kick harness, keep in mind that if you have the Neo D(JAMMA 24) wired to the short kick(for some reason) you will be activating both C and D at the same time, this of course can be fixed with a simple trace cut.
Just a heads up, the adapter is available in the JNX store as well as on ebay.
Curious I just bought one on eBay because I'm buying Primal Rage 2.3. I want to play it on my Blast City I hear it will play but not have any sound what exactly will I need to do to get sound for my Game, I'mm still so new to all this so I have no clue about all the bits and pieces and wiring lol
I hear it will play but not have any sound what exactly will I need to do to get sound for my Game, I'mm still so new to all this so I have no clue about all the bits and pieces and wiring lol
I'm not sure who told you that, I play this on my Egret 29 with a JNX adapter and it plays sounds just fine.

The Primal Rage PCB has a small harness that connects the Sound board to the main board, the pin configuration on this harness is different depending on whether you need Stereo or Mono sound output. so both the JNX adapter and the PCB need to be setup for stereo, or both setup for mono. if they're mis-matched then you wont get sound out.

on the JNX adapter there are jumpers for stereo/mono. on the Prmal Rage PCB (on mine at least) the harness has 2 connectors on the main board side, one is for stereo, the other is for mono, you swap to one or the other depending on what you need.

Honestly the biggest problem with this PCB is the massive size... it doesn't fit in my cab, it has to sit next to it when I want to play.
When my primal rage arrived - I laughed out loud at how stupidly big it was..!
so this is what I just got in the mail, I just bought some wiring that somebody made that said it will switch it to be able to use mono audio I haven't received it in the mail yet. So When I used the adapter I still hear no sound which is what I think you were saying about that harness that connects between the two boards. I don't like the wiring itself of the wiring I bought just because I'm kind of a neat freak on how wiring looks so if anyone knows anybody who does it can they give me their info. I just wanted something fast for the moment because I wanted some sound while I play
the red and yellow harness in your picture is the POWER wiring for the audio board... not the audio wiring.

I'm not sure what's going on with it either as the power wires should just connect the audio board to the main board.. like literally 1in if wire.

the audio harness looks like this:


its the connector on the back side of the audio board near the heat sync that connects to the mainboard on the other side of the JAMMA edge.
so this is what I just got in the mail, I just bought some wiring that somebody made that said it will switch it to be able to use mono audio I haven't received it in the mail yet. So When I used the adapter I still hear no sound which is what I think you were saying about that harness that connects between the two boards. I don't like the wiring itself of the wiring I bought just because I'm kind of a neat freak on how wiring looks so if anyone knows anybody who does it can they give me their info. I just wanted something fast for the moment because I wanted some sound while I play
If you need me to make the wiring I can do that no problem. Shoot me an email on my site as I don't get notifications here for some reason.

Cool I'll definitely hit you up because I like the neatness of your wiring, I got in my other one I ordered prior in. Another question I have is if anyone else when you play your game does it sound loud or is it eh mine is eh it's definitely not as loud as my other games when I play it and I have the volume cranked up as high as it will go on my blast city and I have the volume on max in the settings.