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Feb 3, 2018
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It's been a long time in the making!
Tag team Caius and Hammy brings you... A full 100% NMK hardware

Yes, this is 100% with full original sound, all reversed from original sources.

Guaranteed better than mame or mister or any bootlegger could ever do, this is 100% spec!
No bullshit, no tricks , no nonsense just our finest work ever!?

Games running 100% perfectly:

Hacha Mecha Fighter
Black heart
Macross 1
Acrobat Mission
Thunder Dragon 1

Games that are WIP on the radar:

Task force harrier (currently runs with incorrect sound, i need to port the Z80 code to the NMK004)
Legend of makai (this needs porting from the MMS1, but here it will have the original sound)
Strahl (this will run but with 1 BACKGROUND LAYER MISSING)
Bio ship paladin (this will run but with 1 BACKGROUND LAYER MISSING)
Double Dealer (this needs cracking correctly)

Games that are NOT supported and will need another design board one day for the high - resolution (don't ask about them):
Gun Nail
Saboten bombers
Bombjack Twin
Rapid hero
Thunder dragon 2
Macross 2
Power instinct

The caveats:

This will only be available for our long time project supporters and legends, INVITE ONLY basically.
This will be fucking expensive to build - over 300 ic's... hopefully you can build it yourself...
This will be SLOW to produce as always, anybody who has bitched about speed in the past won't be welcome.

First lot will be 5x PCB for the project's main contributors:
  1. @Hammy
  2. @caius
  3. @Nebula
  4. @kuze
  5. @ekorz
The 2nd lot of PCB's will be for the people Cauis or I decide, on an invite only basis "add me to the list" is not gonna work here. Sorry.


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Very cool!

Am I understanding that a donor board is not required?
Providing the multi and the donor all at once! How's that for service? Looking forward to seeing the progress on this :)
Glad is announced !
Glad to help when is needed ! ✌🏻
Glad you pointed what was needed to point out 👍🏻
I have to beg that you consider using SSOP or at least SOIC parts
Any reason why other than size? I have shitloads of DIP parts on stock from clearing places out over the years so it's fine for me.
Same with the other guys, many of them have some standard TTL easily available at least.

don't just hand solder this enormous thing...
The first few will be made by hand, there's no way around it. That's why they go to people who have ability to build :)

I'm sure later we can get a factory to populate at least the sockets / bypass caps / resistors etc.
I'm also quite sure that as time goes by @caius will have time to decrease the nmk901,902,903 into CPLD's so they can also be possibly used on real boards with some adapter (and save space on this layout).
Aside from that we used SL dips for rams, 16bit roms and other similar tricks where possible to get the size / part count down.

At the end of the day the size should be about the same as the mustang original it was mostly based from.
Thanks @Snax Tan for this pcb :thumbsup: (sadly the nmk004 is dead on this one :( ).


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There is size, and through-hole is just a huge waste of time. Getting a factory to populate such a board with SMT parts is not so expensive and when people make large and complex designs, there are many steps of validation that make it so that having the factory produce the first PCBs and never doing the whole thing by hand makes sense. It is not the "rite of passage" for even semi-professionals that it is for hobbyists, it's just a pain...
There is size, and through-hole is just a huge waste of time. Getting a factory to populate such a board with SMT parts is not so expensive and when people make large and complex designs, there are many steps of validation that make it so that having the factory produce the first PCBs and never doing the whole thing by hand makes sense. It is not the "rite of passage" for even semi-professionals that it is for hobbyists, it's just a pain...
It is what it is now, there's no point going back to save space / time unless there's a problem or update.

At the end of the day it could be argued that the whole project is a complete waste of time. I could of done a bunch of repairs, had fun, got some sleep, written a book etc
That's not to say i'm not going to look into getting the sockets and passives pre-soldered.

You already have my money. Wonderful work friends.
Gradius 3 in exchange for several rounds of DIP soldering, 16bit system building pain.. excellent xD