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Can someone please help me out here in the software side? I follow everything from the hardware side of the modification.
Fix Security:
re-write the Serial EEPROM at 3H with data from MAME (this controls whether you get Osman or Cannon Dancer, all other data is the same).
It depends on your setup but you will likely have to byte swap this data when writing.

Wire mod to expand GFX2 ROM space:
new GFX2 ROMs can be burned to 27c322s like this:
mcf-04.14h + mcf-03.14d = 14A
mcf-02.14a + mcf-01.13a = 13A

I am looking at the MAME XML but do not see this. How would one normally go about extracting this from MAME? I imagine the binary edit is just with a hex editor?

For combining the two sets of GFX roms before burning, is there anything special I need to do to combine them into a single file before burning? I don't actually own a burner (maybe time to invest), so I would just be bouncing this off BUYICNOW or similar rom burning service.

Any help anyone can offer is appreciated.
Add the files together with porchy's binman program on jammarcade.net , it's easy / drag n drop.
Awesome. I got that part down. Concatenated file name does not matter, correct? It seems to default to .bin


It appears I can use the same program to byteswap, but I am confused on what exactly I am byteswapping. Is the byteswap only done when actually burning the ROMs or do I need to do it beforehand like the concatenation?
Do it before burning. You can use a binary file toolset but I think that particular file is so small you could do it by hand in HxD or sublime text or anything like that

00 00 00 02 A0 3F 01 CB 03 03
00 00 02 00 3F A0 CB 01 03 03 (swapped)

I think this file is mostly empty FF FF so there are only like two actual places you need to swap the bytes. Just make sure you swap them with the appropriate neighbor if you do it by hand.
In case this helps anyone (and to confirm I did it right).

1. Starting with romset, selecting eeprom file:

2. Selecting byteswap from menu:

3. Output:

4. Comparing results in Hex:
Before byteswap:

After byteswap:

Is that really all that is needed?
Music plays at correct speed and game runs but graphics are all silly. I double checked my soldering (sorry for the ugly) and it appears sound. Guessing I messed up the byteswap unless there was something special needed when the chip was programmed?

I used an online third party service to purchase the chips programmed. I will ask someone local to help sort them but just wanted to isolate it to the graphics roms.

Note that the multi pictured it is not mine. It was from a recent traffic stop.


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I'll double check my traces. I confirmed it was a perfectly working Magical Drop before the surgery.
have you double checked that your cut traces are actually cut?


You had sockets installed previously on the pcb or did you desoldered old chips and install the sockets in place and in the sockets the new chips was inserted ? Ive seen this happened often , hope is not the case in your case ✌🏻🙏🏻

In case you still have old chips from board , you actually can redone the old traces with some solder and check to see if the pcb working properly . Where you cut that traces , you can redone with solder !
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@AlxUnderBase I had sockets on original Magical Drop before conversion. I replaced the two graphics rom sockets as they were loose and causing issues. I verified board ran Magical Drop perfectly for about an hour before I did modification and inserted Cannon Dancer roms.

@twistedsymphony I verified the traces on the 13 and 14 slots pin 32 where severed correctly - no continuity. For the cut to pin 5 of the OKI, I read some nominal value on my meter after cutting but did not have zero ohm reading like before the cut.

@ekorz I tested just now by removing the graphics roms and seeing what change it made. Rom 9 makes no difference inserted or not. I think my issue is down to these unless I fouled up something else with the replacement GAL which is causing them not to show? Forgive my ignorance here. Game runs without any graphics roms inserted.
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I think what happened is I was doing this at 2AM after work and concatenated the wrong files for 13A and 14A. I just double checked my work and realized my mistake. I will get new ones burned.

Thanks everyone.
Reburned roms 13A and 14A and most character sprites are now working. However, I am still getting weird output/junk for backgrounds. Is this related to ROM 9 (GFX1)? Seems to be the only other rom that could be causing this unless there is a problem with some other chip? I checked that I sent BuyICnow the right file and I can't imagine they don't verify burns.. Magical drop works perfect if I undo everything and put old MD roms back in...

Could speed be a speed issue?

Here are my chips:

1E - 27C4096G-12
9A - 27C322-100F1
12F - 27C160-100F1
13A - 27C322-100F1
14A - 27C322-100F1
13H - 27C020-15

Any help is appreciated. Dying to play this.


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Yes GFX1 ROMs (9A) are the backgrounds,
looking at your ROM list the speeds shouldn't be an issue, however it looks like you're using a 27c322 for 9A rather than a 27c160, These ROMs are different enough that that could be your problem. Is there a reason you use a 322 here instead of a 160?