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Mar 25, 2021
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New Zealand
Hi everyone;

I'm working on making my own CPS2 digiAV based on this awesome project here

Most of the parts are readily available, but the Cyclone 10 FPGA's are hard to get through traditional channels due to the global chip shortage. Digikey/mouser/RS and etc are all showing 3-9+ months

Does anyone have a reputable supplier for these chips please?

I've also crossposted this request onto the WTB forum just in case one of the fine members of this group has a drawfull kicking around.

Slightly related pic of a bare CPS2 digiAV board for attention
Thanks! I've reached out to them with an RFQ on their website - I'll post their response here when they do respond.
That supplier is too good to be true, try googling them and you will find it is a scam, unfortunately..
As scams go they are not as organised as I would have hoped - 24 hours and still not one request for a bank transfer to a nigerian prince :( If they want to make it big in the world of scamming then customer service is paramount...

Looks like ebay is my best and only bet - but a lot of the other parts are currently out of stock at digi/mouser/RS too, this global chip shortage is an enormous pain in the behind :(
Dammit too late, no stock now :( i want one
Yeah, I was wondering about that, those chips are impossible to get at the moment, they must have had some stock stashed away from the time before.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em lads. There are 5 less now than there were 2 minutes ago :)
Screen Shot 2023-06-29 at 11.46.28 PM.png

This part (10CL025YE144I7G) is the over-spec and more expensive version of the BOM part (10CL025YE144C8N) - apparently rated for higher temp range and industrial applications but probably just the same chip sold at a higher price :)

Anyhoo, if you want one, now would be the time.
All gone. Just got an email from Digikey saying they might not be able to honour my entire order (was 5). Fingers crossed I get at least some.

It’s like trying to get Taylor Swift concert tickets.
Still all gone, not a single FPGA on the face of the earth.
Mouser had one solitary 10CL025YE144C8N on back order for delivery 28th Aug, clearly someone elses cancelled order, so I bought that too on the tiny off chance that it does actually ship...
ENIG vs HASL, is it worth paying 500% more for?
Normally I would say no, HASL is perfectly lovely, easy to solder and makes a really nice joint even with average tools and technique.

But for this specific use case the answer is yes. The difference in surface finish of ENIG is absolutely superb by comparison.

ENIG is like a visitor from another dimension - The mask transforms in to the pads and back into the mask seamlessly, the tolerances are invisible even under a microscope, the pads are centred in the mask because the pads ARE the mask, its one single perfect surface made of different materials. The components glide across the surface.

HASL the pads are like little islands, the mask is clearly painted on afterwards and for teeny .5mm pitch pins it looks like a dogs breakfast under the microscope. The pads aren't centred in the mask, the surface level is all over the show, and the mask is missing in some areas, applied inconsistently in others. HASL boards have clearly been "made". It feels like I need to balance the component on the pad, sometimes they fall off the side into the gap between the pad and the mask

So in situations like this - soldering irreplaceable components with bajillions of tiny legs - Yes ENIG is good value.


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This was about 3 hours work to nearly finish the front side. I thought the clock generator was hard. Then I discovered the clamping diodes. Looks messy from all the flux, but it's actually pretty OK.
My buddy and I are gonna take the FPGAs from our older DC digitals. We replaced those with the new version HW2.

Quick dip in the ultrasonic cleaner, minty clean and ready to install.
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Both Mouser and Digikey are showing lead times of 12+ months for FPGA's again, And they cut down my order from 5 to 2, feels like it might be a very long time before we see these in volume again...
Both Mouser and Digikey are showing lead times of 12+ months for FPGA's again, And they cut down my order from 5 to 2, feels like it might be a very long time before we see these in volume again...
There are signs availability is going to improve in the beginning of 2024, but as always, only sources close to Intel know the real situation. For those who prefer pre-assembled boards, a small batch just landed VGP.
Here it is, the much-coveted cyclone 10 FPGA hot off the interwebs at mouser.


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