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WTB WTB: Aleck 64 Motherboard

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Check your stockpile? I sold you one last year lol!
I'm actually using the one you sold me already. I'm basically trying to troubleshoot things, because I assumed this motherboard is good.

I bought 4 games from a user here, he shipped first because he's new. None of them will boot, and I just assumed that surely all 4 can't be bad.

Any advice? I don't have any other games to test (I suppose I could try booting my everdrive with the N64 adapter? I forgot about that)
(I suppose I could try booting my everdrive with the N64 adapter? I forgot about that)
I don't believe Everdrives work on the adapter (correction, it seems the x7 specifically works but other models don't an it require P1 controller inserted and other ports empty), and original carts DO need a controller plugged in (I can't remember if it's black screen or an error message)

not all N64 games work either.

Typical advice for any system is to check your voltages and make sure the cart and edge connector contacts are clean and fully seated.

Aleck64 runs in 480i as well, so depending on the cab it may or may not like that resolution.
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the board was from tops originally but i didn’t have a control panel. I did boot it with that eleven beat before I shipped it. That one doesn’t work either?


I do have a controller attached to that supergun in the photo fwiw. But just a normal jamma analogue thing
I'm pretty sure the Everdrive doesn't function correctly, but will boot. I could be mistaken, but I think I saw someone post it working here.

I'll hold off on buying another until I can test with a controller plugged in. Hopefully it doesn't need both plugged in, because I only bought one (of course). I did just receive a PM from a user offering a board showing it working without controllers plugged in, though (showed a controller error).

As for sync, I tried it with an NNC and my Supergun > RT4K setup. No joy. I'll play with voltages, but NNC was ~5.05 at edge and SG was ~4.9 at edge (both a little off, but the range made me feel it wasn't a voltage issue). I can try bumping it a bit to see.

I'll go over the obvious stuff again tonight: adjust voltages, clean edge connectors, etc. If nothing, I'll wait for the cables/connectors to make a controller adapter. If still nothing, I'll just pick up another mobo.

@ekorz I don't have an Eleven Beat to test, unfortunately. However, the game in the picture I referenced above was also Eleven Beat. It could just be that the specific games I have require controllers? (Tower and Shaft, Vivid Dolls, Star Soldier) Also, please don't be concerned about the board potentially not-working: it's old, and I trust it was fine when shipped.

I may just pick up an Eleven Beat cart as well, I think that would confirm if it's a motherboard issue or not given the lack of population on the JST headers.
You bought the eleven beat along with the motherboard didn’t you?
Nope, just the motherboard.
I was selling both, I’m pretty sure I shipped both! Who would buy just the cart!? I’ll take a look in my basement but you should too…

Edit: well at least my listing and notes say…
Aleck 64 + Eleven Beat (no control panel) - 200

I certainly didn’t need the dang cart anymore
Well, shit. I have no idea where it is then, lol. I'll do some digging, but I really don't remember seeing a cart. Unless it was discarded with packaging...
Well, shit. I have no idea where it is then, lol. I'll do some digging, but I really don't remember seeing a cart. Unless it was discarded with packaging...
That would be a bummer, I’m pretty sure it fit easily inside one of those medium flat rate boxes! I looked around but I broke down the box I was using to store them both, so I’m confident I don’t have it anymore. Memory fuzzy but blue cart, probably in it’s own blue/green bubble wrap.
Yeah, I have several boxes/bins to go through looking for it. I really doubt it was thrown away, but I'm not ruling anything out until I find it. In any case, it sounds like I have quite a few things to try before snagging another motherboard. Just tapping my fingers now for the N64 extension cables to show up.
FYI I pulled all my carts out of storage and tested them.

here's how they reacted to having nothing connected to the N64 ports (JAMMA only)
Eleven Beat - Boots but shows controller error
Mayjinsen 3 - Boots but shows controller error
Vivid Dolls - Boots and allows coin input but otherwise ignores all inputs
Super Real Mahjong Vs - Boots and allows coin input but otherwise ignores all inputs (probably expecting Mahjong adapter on JAMMA edge)
Tower and Shaft - Boots and Plays fully
Don-Chan Puzzle - Boots and Plays fully
Kurukuru Fever - Boots and plays fully

N64 Adapter with original Smash Bros Cart - Boots but shows controller error
Well, it is definitely the mobo. I purchased another from Tops and all my carts work as expected. Considering I have zero doubts Ekorz sent me a working board (years ago now), and that my new, working board still shows some errors if I press on it some, I'm going to guess these are simply very fragile boards.

That said, I did some testing and had some fun results. I'm going to move that discussion back to the Aleck 64 thread here.
Well, it is definitely the mobo. I purchased another from Tops and all my carts work as expected. Considering I have zero doubts Ekorz sent me a working board (years ago now), and that my new, working board still shows some errors if I press on it some, I'm going to guess these are simply very fragile boards.

That said, I did some testing and had some fun results. I'm going to move that discussion back to the Aleck 64 thread here.
all the same, lmk if you want me to take a look at it on my bench, or refund you any portion of it or anything