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What Amp are you using? Did you ever try to just replace the blast city power supply with a different psu and keep current amp.
It's a cheap Parts Express amplifier and I posted the model number and other details earlier in this thread. Replacing or modifying the power supply to send more power to the audio amplifier would probably require modifying the amplifier. Have you tried using the speakers that other people are using in the Blast City? I like how my Blast City sounds but if I were to do it again I would try an easier solution first.
my issue is that my PS has crapped out. I recapped and still dead. I found a replacement psu I want to try, but I'm working out the internal wiring now. I want to keep the wiring in the stick ps box so I'm making a harness to convert everything to the original connections. the amp is the only place I'm struggling on
my issue is that my PS has crapped out. I recapped and still dead. I found a replacement psu I want to try, but I'm working out the internal wiring now. I want to keep the wiring in the stick ps box so I'm making a harness to convert everything to the original connections. the amp is the only place I'm struggling on
The Blast City amp is only for amplifying the line level stereo output from JVS hardware (or something like Mister or a console etc). If you only plan to use JAMMA hardware then you don't need an amplifier. If you plan to use something other than JAMMA then you'll need to figure out how to power the stock amplifier from your new power supply, or you can copy what I did with a Part's Express amplifier. I posted the full wiring diagram in a previous post in this thread. The Blast City manual also has a wiring diagram.
Happy AF here! Got my second Blast and is on its way from the US to Costa Rica.
This one will be restored, too.

Love it 😍😎👍
Wow. I really like the color choice of the stick/buttons you used. They complement the color of the Blast City graphics so much better than the green/pink standard that was carried over from the Astro City. Will definitely be implementing those colors if/when I manage to get one.
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