Once I entered the windows mode, that is where I got stuck. It boots to Attract Mode Configure. The U Menu no longer works, I'll keep playing around with it.
So it never really enters windows mode?
Do you have taskbar or is all that still missing? I'm guessing it's missing.
This is what I would try if it was my PC...
You could try running explorer.exe from the task manager. It might bring up the taskbar, but I have my doubts.
You can also try running cmd.exe from task manager to get a command prompt.
from either - try navigating to D:\Installers and Instructions\Instant Sheller
run: InstantSheller.exe
Application to Shell - d:\Attract\attract.exe
Then select - I am ready! Do it!
A Reboot Windows dialog will appear. Close and and DO NOT REBOOT YET.
Run - "RUN THIS BEFORE YOU REBOOT!!!.reg" (I think this is necessary).
That might put you back exactly where you are, but hopefully it resets something (again, I have my doubts).
It sounds like your installation is screwed up.
Did you ever set Read-Write Mode in the Attract Mode menu? I wonder if setting that would have helped you in any way...
If you are not back to normal and can get a command prompt - try running "MSConfig" and see what the startup apps look like. maybe disabling attract mode will help.
Good luck.