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What are options to run Ttx4 SFV on Viewlix with fast io?

Not Yeti

Apr 15, 2022
Reaction score
Florida, USA
What do I need to run SFV on ttx4? I have a handful of viewlix cabs with fast io. I understand x4 uses usb io, but I’m a bit confused how they work. Are their multiple versions of the usb io, or are there multiple flashes for the usb io.
Alternatively, Are there harness/pcb/brooks adapters I can use? USB io boards rarely are for sale, and I’ve seen them for around $500. I’ve never spent that much on any harness/io before, but if that’s the best option for my goal then I’ll keep shopping.
My overall goal is (utilizing the least amount of adapters/parts possible) to connect TWO vielwix that currently have fast io to ONE ttx4 with SFV and play two player on free play. What are my options?

Not sure if this is what you're looking for, but I just installed Windows and Steam on my X4 and bought the Steam version, and hooked up some brooks. Steam SFV is more up to date as far as I know, and that gave me the option to run other games as well.
What do I need to run SFV on ttx4? I have a handful of viewlix cabs with fast io. I understand x4 uses usb io, but I’m a bit confused how they work. Are their multiple versions of the usb io, or are there multiple flashes for the usb io.
Alternatively, Are there harness/pcb/brooks adapters I can use? USB io boards rarely are for sale, and I’ve seen them for around $500. I’ve never spent that much on any harness/io before, but if that’s the best option for my goal then I’ll keep shopping.
My overall goal is (utilizing the least amount of adapters/parts possible) to connect TWO vielwix that currently have fast io to ONE ttx4 with SFV and play two player on free play. What are my options?

Can’t be done. Sfv type arcade is 1 player. There is no local 2 player. You can run steam and the pc version or a console version.