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Virtua Racing Live Monitor


Sep 8, 2017
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Could not find much information out there.

Does anybody know how the Live Monitor is setup? Does it require a special board or could it be run using a default game, IO and link board?
I have a twin cabinet and you can set the slave side to act as a live monitor. With that said, you absolutely must have an IO board hooked up to the main PCB or it will not boot. Just in case you want to attempt to build your own custom live monitor setup. I do not know if you can omit the sound board. I assume the sound board is completely passive but I haven't checked for sure. I guess I could just unplug my twin cab sound board and see if it still works without sound.
well I got it to work in mame:

1- you need to create an additional cfg and nvram subfolder per "station" and create yourself a batch files for each:

arcade64 vr -w -cfg_directory cfg -nvram_directory nvram1 -comm_localport 15111 -comm_remoteport 15112 -comm_localhost -comm_remotehost 
arcade64 vr -w -cfg_directory cfg2 -nvram_directory nvram2 -comm_localport 15112 -comm_remoteport 15113 -comm_localhost -comm_remotehost
arcade64 vr -w -cfg_directory cfg3 -nvram_directory nvram3 -comm_localport 15113 -comm_remoteport 15111 -comm_localhost -comm_remotehost
note: The first car talks to the next car (comm_remoteport) and the last car talks to the first car.

2- Set a master, a slave and a live in "link id"


3- Run and enjoy Mr. Virt Mcpolygon! :D

I am totally going to have to do this on my twin now!!
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I like those live monitors. Have one already for my Daytona 2.

Does McPolygon also speak or is it only written?


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The Live Monitor is damn cool. a few games support it mostly (completely?) from the Model-System line.
Known Live Monitor games:
Model 1
-Virtua Racing
Model 2
-Daytona USA
-Virtual On
Model 3
-Daytona USA 2
-Virtual On Oratorio Tangram (Model 3)

the original VO requires special program ROMs but I think the other games all work with normal ROMs. I think it wasn't originally a feature and they did a special built for tournament use, then they built it in the the VOOT release on model 3 as standard (unsure if the NAOMI or Hikaru VO games support it)

if anyone knows of other Live Monitor games I'd love to know what else supports it.
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The Model 3 Daytona USA 2 has one too. Built one for it a while ago (attached picture) but currently missing an additional Rom board for it.


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Still struggling with the colors. Mostly looks like grey is missing even if white or black is available. Maybe somebody is having an idea or hint?

The signal is going from video board to a GBS8200 (with gbscontrol) into a NEC Multisync X555UNV display. The result looks like this:


The signal is going from video board directly to upscaler (GBS8200):

The pinout is from here but I've compared it also with my original Virtua Racing Twin and schematics from owners manual (which seems to have green and blue swapped):
Pinout: https://arcarc.xmission.com/PDF_Dip_Switches_and_Pinouts/Sega Model 1_pinout.pdf
Owners manual: https://arcarc.xmission.com/PDF_Arcade_Manuals_and_Schematics/Virtua Racing Owner's Manual.pdf

What I have tried so far:
- Used another input of the scaler but pins seem to be connected so no difference in results. Also reset all scaler settings.
- Connected the scaler (with a beamer at the VGA output) directly to the filter board on game stack within Virtua Racing Twin but exact same results.

As results are same with or without filter board I assume it's not required.
So my conclusion is that either scaler is not compatible or my cabling is somehow incorrect.

Maybe somebody has already experience in connecting a Model 1 to a VGA output / LCD display?
I am a totally newbie when it is about video signals.

Model 3 is just working from VGA output of filter board to the same display using a VGA cable.
Still struggling with the colors. Mostly looks like grey is missing even if white or black is available. Maybe somebody is having an idea or hint?

The signal is going from video board to a GBS8200 (with gbscontrol) into a NEC Multisync X555UNV display. The result looks like this:
your image is way too bright, try turning down the contrast or brightness, or adjusting down the gain in the converter board.

If you use a direct RGB output on the GBS, put a resistance of 330 ohms on the red, green and blue cables.
I also used on the indy 500 and the picture was ok.

I had the same problem, I put these resistances and it's ok
RGB output is too strong for GBS
VGA output (Model 3). does not need these resistors
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If you use a direct RGB output on the GBS, put a resistance of 330 ohms on the red, green and blue cables.
I also used on the indy 500 and the picture was ok.

I had the same problem, I put these resistances and it's ok
RGB output is too strong for GBS
VGA output (Model 3). does not need these resistors
This perfectly solved the issue.

Thanks a lot for sharing your magic, really appreciated :)