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FS Vewlix or (Uni Blast Backlit/Translit) Marquee art set (UPDATED 10-JAN-2025) ~ Samurai Shodown Final Ed.

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Bubble Memories : The Story of Bubble Bobble III for Sega New Astro City







Do you do any reprints for art that's sold out? I just bought your GG strive set and I damaged the ramlethal through happy chaos portion and was hoping to reorder the set but it's sold out. If you're open to doing a one time print of just that piece LMK. Thanks
Do you do any reprints for art that's sold out? I just bought your GG strive set and I damaged the ramlethal through happy chaos portion and was hoping to reorder the set but it's sold out. If you're open to doing a one time print of just that piece LMK. Thanks
I can sent you out replacement, you just need to pay for shipping. DM thru IG.
Price will go up on Sega Blast City Art set from $30 to $35:
1 ~ FULL size overhead marquee (Printed on 'Backlit / Translit' film)
1 ~ Game Instruction A (Printed on Photo Finish Card Stock) @ 14"W X 2.75"H
1 ~ Game Instruction B (Printed on Photo Finish Card Stock) @ 14"W X 2.75"H
1 ~ Character Moves strip (Printed on Photo Gloss Stock) @ 18.9"W X 2.75"H
1 ~ Arcade Poster ~ 12"W X 18"H
Price will go up on Taito Vewlix Art set from $30 to $40:
1 ~ FULL size Overhead Instruction Marquee (Printed on Photo Gloss Stock) ~ 16"W X 11.25"H
1 ~ Vewlix Panel Art (Printed on Photo Gloss Stock) ~ 27.5"W X 5.25"H
1 ~ Top Panel Speaker Insert (Printed on Photo Gloss Stock) ~ 18.9"W X 5.25"H
1 ~ Bottom Panel Speaker Insert (Printed on Photo Gloss Stock) ~ 18.9"W X 5.25"H
1 ~ Game Instruction Strip (Printed on Photo Gloss Stock) ~ 25.6"W X 3.1"H
Just bought your new KOF XV set. Looking forward to receiving it. I would love to have it magnetized if you have an easy way to do that. Otherwise, if you could point me to the right materials I would do it myself. The speaker panels on the vewlix are only slightly magnetic… would this mean you need to add a PSA/Magnet tape to the those panels before adding the magnetic artwork?
Just bought your new KOF XV set. Looking forward to receiving it. I would love to have it magnetized if you have an easy way to do that. Otherwise, if you could point me to the right materials I would do it myself. The speaker panels on the vewlix are only slightly magnetic… would this mean you need to add a PSA/Magnet tape to the those panels before adding the magnetic artwork?

Thank you for your support.

Please see video for installation to Vewlix art set.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDJmKhdEoO0&t=10s