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SOLD Various PCBs - System 18 - System 32 - Taito F2

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Grand Master
Nov 14, 2016
Reaction score
Melbourne, Australia
[align=center]Hey guys,

I have a few boards up for sale. All prices are in Australian dollars. Payment is to be made via PayPal gift or +4%.
The Australian dollar is currently as low as it's been since 2003!


[align=center]-System 18 Alien Storm conversion (includes motherbaord) $350 (around $207 USD) SOLD

-System 32 Golden Axe II conversion with bonus Dark Edge rom board (includes motherboard) $450 (around $266 USD) SOLD

-Taito F2 short board with Liquid Kids, runark and Final Blow $450 (around $266 USD) SOLD

If my prices are out of line please let me know!
Will add pictures soon

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When you come up with prices, let me know about the F2 stuff!

Runark and Liquid Kids are rad. Final Blow is pretty fun too surprisingly (I use mine as a test PCB).
Guess I shouldn't have gone to bed T_T
Guess I shouldn't have gone to bed T_T
I'm only buying the short board F2 set, so if you want that long board one, it's available! I had to double check to see which motherboard I needed for my games, I guess they are interchangeable, so I just went with the short one.
Goddamn it, how did I miss this? Am after a SYSTEM-18 board right now. Golden Axe II as well!!! Crap. Just bought an Alien Storm ROM board and have a Shadow Dancer coming but no RIM board yet.

Interested in the F2 stuff if it is still available. I am a local so I get the shit price, lol.
Haha, true about shipping! Still a nice price for those games really. Can you send me some pics, please? Almost bought a Runark ROM board last night, so it is nice timing! Still bummed about GAII, though. Oh well. I will have to live with a convert for the moment.