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Sep 20, 2015
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Hi Darksoft / Mitsu and other folks,

A friend and I are trying to upgrade our launch CPS2 multis with the latest firmware so we can take advantage of new features. Because we have the very first version, we don't have the bootloader and we need the discovery programmer to get anywhere. We received it and spent several hours the other night trying to do this. However, we are unable to find the needed information on the forum. A lot of the posts Darksoft linked to are broken links and we couldn't start the process. We more or less understand what to do, however, we can't find the pinout diagrams in order to be able to power the boards as well as knowing how to connect the discovery programmer to the multi (what pins to connect to, etc.). Info seems to be very limited.

Can we please get some help / information? Instructions that are easily accessible would be greatly appreciated. Thank you all!
You can get the instructions from this link:

Make sure that you install using this method ONLY the booloader. Once this has been done, you can upload the firmware (flash.img) directly from the microSD. See attached in this post the booloader to be used with Discovery.

Please notice that the RESET is being shown as SWD5, but if you have installed the latest firmware, then you need to use SWD7.


  • sd_bootloader.zip
    17.5 KB · Views: 379
Don't worry, it's really easy to do. I did it to my board, and although I had similar confusion, I still got it done.

For me, the worst part was disassembling the already assembled kit in order to remove it from the B board and update the bootloader. Wound up snapping a pin off when doing so, but instead of getting upset and angry, I took it as a learning experience and I figured out how to correct a broken pin. :) (Spare capacitor leg and some solder. Works like a charm).

I've just tried to update the firmware on a first release CPS2 Multi using an STM32F051 board, everything appeared to go well, the ST-LINK software connected to the Darksoft board no problems, I wrote and verified the linked sd_bootloader file which also seemed to verify and write OK. I even compared the device memory with the hex file. I used the disconnect option from the software, desoldered all of the connections and reassembled the board. When booting I now get a white screen and a single line of square blocks on the LCD screen. I've tried the process twice but still not working. I checked the board thoroughly for stray solder or bridged connections, can you suggest anything I can try please?

You installed the bootloader. You still need to load the firmware. Put the FW update file on the root of the SD card and boot it up in the multi. You should see the LED flash rapidly for a few seconds and then slowly. After it is done flashing the FW is installed.
Thanks for the reply, I've tried that, still get a white screen and blocks on the LCD, checked the SD card afterwards and the firmware file is still on the card
Do you need to solder any new wires before or after upgrading? I removed the old reset wire before starting the upgrade
After upgrading you do, but if you're getting a white screen and blocks and the firmware file hasn't deleted off the card, you haven't upgraded the firmware yet

Where are you located? It may be worth seeing if there's someone local to have a look or you might have to consider sending it to someone to look at
@chunksin if file is still there the bootloader didn't load properly. Try again and ser the jumpers properly on the discovery so you programm the multi and not the arm included in the discovery.
Thanks all for the replies, it was an issue with the SD card, I read a few threads where people had issues but given it was working fine before I dismissed that initially. I took a backup, reformatted the card and copied just the flash.img file on and it updated first time. Copied the games back on and it's working perfectly :)