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Type x3 nessica live offline


Oct 9, 2018
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Hi all,

So I have a Type x3 with Nessica live HDD and security chip.

Now this may be a completely stupid question so tell me I’m an idiot if you so wish but...

The HDD is 1tb in size, I notice an x2 SF4 is 250gb so I’m presuming the way nessica live works is that there are multiple games on that hard drive?!

Now obviously it’s not working as it’s trying to connect to nessica live which it can’t, I’m in the U.K. for a start.

It does get to a red screen which starts mentioning the rfid reader but goes no further.

Is there anyway of tricking it to think it’s connected and access the games, or does it not work like that.

If not I’ve got loads of expensive door stops!!

Any of you tech legends fancy helping me?

Cheers all
If possible, you will most likely not get help publicly on here. Taito actively protects their IP, so I’m sure the admins/mods will not like open discussions on this subject. I’m sure someone will reach out to you and offer help out. But please let us know if you get a fix for these.
I've got a couple of spare RFID readers for X3 lying around (one's listed on ebay.co.uk with a fastio pcb) - that'll solve one error....

I'm almost in the same boat - I have an original USF4 drive & dongle + a P&D TTX3 and need to get it working....
i have a TX3 with School of Ragnorok , i have it connected to Fast I/O and Nessica reader , and it boots up, but then i get big red box with some nessica live error am guessing and i cant do anything, game runs in background though . also been in UK i am never gonna be connected to live
i have a TX3 with School of Ragnorok , i have it connected to Fast I/O and Nessica reader , and it boots up, but then i get big red box with some nessica live error am guessing and i cant do anything, game runs in background though . also been in UK i am never gonna be connected to live
That's exactly where you'll be at unless someone invites you to a private server or something. At this point it may be better to either convert it to something that doesn't require a Nesica connection, or tuck it away until there's an X3 multi :)