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The Definitive Guide to the System 16 Multi Kit

There's no decrypted Japanese variant of Golden Axe at this point unfortunately and until (if?) that is found there's no way to play it outside of an original encrypted CPU
Some questions for you sir!
1. Did you ever do this? I'd love to try this game out, but my current version I can't control the car.
2. Is there anyway to load up the superior version of Golden Axe (the Japanese one of course!)
3. Is there any other games where a different region is better, like Golden Axe? Maybe Altered Beast? Shinobi?
1) No. I really don't have much free time. Maybe over the end of year period if my holidays are maintained (we have some issues at work in relation with the covid situation)
2) Yes. Maybe I can send an updated ROM for you to test :)
3) You'll need to ask the experts. I haven't played all games in all regions to tell. :D
There's no decrypted Japanese variant of Golden Axe at this point unfortunately and until (if?) that is found there's no way to play it outside of an original encrypted CPU
Never doubt the master!
Some questions for you sir!
1. Did you ever do this? I'd love to try this game out, but my current version I can't control the car.
2. Is there anyway to load up the superior version of Golden Axe (the Japanese one of course!)
3. Is there any other games where a different region is better, like Golden Axe? Maybe Altered Beast? Shinobi?
1) No. I really don't have much free time. Maybe over the end of year period if my holidays are maintained (we have some issues at work in relation with the covid situation)
2) Yes. Maybe I can send an updated ROM for you to test :)
3) You'll need to ask the experts. I haven't played all games in all regions to tell. :D
Awesome, no rush! I may take you up on that, but since I don't have an easy way to burn ROMs at the moment, I'd say pass to someone who can for now for testing, but maybe I'll hit you up in a week or two when I get my burner... :)
There's no decrypted Japanese variant of Golden Axe at this point unfortunately and until (if?) that is found there's no way to play it outside of an original encrypted CPU
In fact there is:

MAME said:
ROM_START( goldnaxejd )
ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "maincpu", 0 ) // 68000 code
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "bootleg_epr-12540.a7", 0x00000, 0x20000, CRC(601bb784) SHA1(eb6eea4d3b54ac59a82de76e5e5d8f4b60d34cf4) )
ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "bootleg_epr-12539.a5", 0x00001, 0x20000, CRC(c76c0969) SHA1(d6b4902e7ed8a936dfe7aba8f242668269ce1059) )
I try to burn the 27C801 with top3000, but I have this error. How to fix it please?

Your chip is the wrong way up. Or you haven’t selected the right chip. Or the legs of your chip are very dirty.
Clearly selected the wrong chip, 27C080/27C801 are DIP32 devices, you selected a DIP40 device.
as far as dirty legs go (lol) i had many :)

I use a large soft (and i mean soft it feels like a toothbrush bristle) copper brush and gently brush both outside sets of legs downwards across the length of the leg from chip end to other end.
I then use the brush to brush along-ways the inside of the chip so that the inside legs are brushed too.
you have to be careful and gentle obviously.

This has almost always fixed any pins not being detected in my eprom writer(s).
Did I read somewhere that there was a version of Action Fighter with hacked controls (to use joystick instead of analogue?). Or did I imagine that?
Hi everyone

An opportunity to buy a defective S16b board has come up locally which would be a fun repair project - and I'd love to play golden ax as the scanline spirits intended... but if the multi has disappeared from the market it might not be viable.

Does anyone know if it's possible to buy/make a S16 multi with the changes of folk on the scene?
And, same question for the LCD selector with the other changes of folk on the scene?

I would happily fabricate if the gerbers/cads were available somewhere - in fact this would be my preferred option
I believe the selector Gerbers were made available. With Apocalypse on hiatus, Mitsurugi-w would be the man to ask if the multi can potentially be produced again, he built the previous units