Grand Master
Here is a really nice example. I would give it 9/10 on physical condition. Very clean.
I am looking for $2500 but if someone wants to grab at Pinfest I would do $2200 cash or maybe a trade. I will wait on if any takers locally and/or at the festival first.
- Suitcase caps replaced
- Coin cell mod done and possibly looks like power board was recapped
- K4900 was recapped including filter
- new ribbon cables
- Taps are fixed in place and do not spin
- I added the free play coinup mod. It is totally reversible if you want back to stock
- there is Tapper burn-in but with 1P you cannot notice and its not really noticeable with 2P
- the PCB was a little glitchy. Every once in awhile the graphics would show some doubling up. I removed the PCB stack and reflowed all headers and pulled every socket chip and cleaned and sprayed deoxit into the single wipes. Since then, no issues, but wanted to state for full transparency. I would highly recommend replacing the single wipes with dual as preventative maintenance next
I am looking for $2500 but if someone wants to grab at Pinfest I would do $2200 cash or maybe a trade. I will wait on if any takers locally and/or at the festival first.