TL;DR - why would my rom and audio pcb-lights be flashing like the pcb is working but nothing pops on the screen?
1) the original mobo may have had some issues as the lights never flickered on, so I bought a exact mobo replacement via gt3d
2) cleaned the pcb up and added a missing cap on the audio board
3) reseated some roms and gave it 5.20v+ and the lights started blinking in unison
4) uh… no image though?
5) read up a lot from other posts: https://www.arcade-projects.com/thr...anyone-help-me-out-with-the-file.12158/page-2
Bought a few 74HCT541 that I can surface mount solder on but, before I do that, any other things I should try?
Seems like it could be a bad rom? If so I have read you can get dumps from MAME and compare them somehow if you dump your contents of an eprom?
Wish there was a guide (didn’t see one) because I have a programmer and I’d love to learn
TL;DR - why would my rom and audio pcb-lights be flashing like the pcb is working but nothing pops on the screen?
1) the original mobo may have had some issues as the lights never flickered on, so I bought a exact mobo replacement via gt3d
2) cleaned the pcb up and added a missing cap on the audio board
3) reseated some roms and gave it 5.20v+ and the lights started blinking in unison
4) uh… no image though?
5) read up a lot from other posts: https://www.arcade-projects.com/thr...anyone-help-me-out-with-the-file.12158/page-2
Bought a few 74HCT541 that I can surface mount solder on but, before I do that, any other things I should try?
Seems like it could be a bad rom? If so I have read you can get dumps from MAME and compare them somehow if you dump your contents of an eprom?
Wish there was a guide (didn’t see one) because I have a programmer and I’d love to learn