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FS Stereo + Kick Harness Add-on Boards (Everten)

For Sale
It may have already been asked, but did you (will you) ever look in to making a Namco System 11 stereo adapter? Thanks
Probably not any time soon, sorry. I think these boards have an edge connector that you can’t source the connector for anymore. I don’t think stereo and kick harness come from any other headers.
Can the header be reworked/changed to an available one?
Might be a potential option. Even if not original.
I dont have a system 11 but it sounds problematic if not.
Looks like JNX also made an adapter (but not in stock).

The namco connectors are still around, but likely not in the quantities to enable costs to be recouped for RND/Production.
Looks like JNX also made an adapter (but not in stock).

The namco connectors are still around, but likely not in the quantities to enable costs to be recouped for RND/Production.
I think JNX is modifying a non-compatible connector by drilling out the sides to allow it to fit on the board. It definitely works, but I’d like to source the original part if possible.

Probably not any time soon, sorry. I think these boards have an edge connector that you can’t source the connector for anymore. I don’t think stereo and kick harness come from any other headers.
The original par number for the harness is gone but you don't need that anyway you'd want a PCB mounted edge connector and I'm pretty sure you can still source those in the right size.

Edit, whoops missed your last post. I also wonder if you can get one 2 pins wider and have it fit right.
I still have 40 or so harnesses to build, but..... we're adding stock tomorrow night! I hope to have everything inventoried by 9pm EST and added to the site.

We're past the signup threshold on the number of restock email notifications we can send at once, so I'm unsure how emails will be prioritized if you've signed up for stock notifications on our website. Watch this thread or subscribe to https://x.com/shewflyarcade for updates.

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please do mention your time zone too 😁
Edit : sorry, did check your tweet just now, so EST 👍
E2 : ok, gotta set the alarm clock to 3am then I'm guessing...
We're still on track to start adding stock around 9pm EST tonight. Use code arcade-projects for a free 3" holographic Shewfly candy cab sticker while we have them (will show as a $0 discount, no need to add anything else to cart).
Oops, saw your post on X before seeing this. Oh well-- I'm just happy to get that Atomiswave stereo mod!
Hello! Any plans for restocking the MV1FZ stereo board for purchase from the EU? Would like to get one.