Splitting this from the "recent purchases thread"
So I changed them and at first I thought "well that did not help" and started to mess enough with the settings to finally remembered that when you work on chassis, being caps or other, it's a good idea to hit the "recall" button on the settings (and doublecheck the B+, which is 169.3 at R854. It calls for 170v so sounds close enough to me?!).
and... I think it's a lot better now!
keep in mind it's a 39 inch! ( ok really a 36 viewable!)
I'm going to play with it again cause it's still a little too dark
it is still not perfect:
most of the time it's pretty good but depending on the colors displayed (the more white, the more issues) , it will still shake a bit and mess the pincushion briefly:
Suggestions and help welcome at this point (but I will continue to hit my head on it until it's perfect gosh darn it)
ok : my D9200, 39 inches, after having recapped and all, still has "jitter" or "the shakes". it's actually displaying the same symptoms as this video from Mike: the curved borders + the shakes. the white (aka all colors) screen shakes the most, of course.
now that I see you mention the voltage regulator, and mike in the video fixes it as well with it, I'm hopeful that it might solve my issue? what do you think? these two are what I can see as "V REG":
Worth a shot?
Always worth a shot! Jitter AKA “the shakes “ is usually a symptom of either failing caps on the power section of the chassis or a voltage regulator on the deflection circuit and/or caps. In Mike’s video it was due to a failing VR on the power section on the chassis. A common issue with that chassis(I have fixed one just like it. Thanks Mike!)
If those 2 IC are on the deflection part of the chassis, I would definitely give it a go. Just make sure you order the correct ones
Best of luck!
If those 2 IC are on the deflection part of the chassis, I would definitely give it a go. Just make sure you order the correct ones
So I changed them and at first I thought "well that did not help" and started to mess enough with the settings to finally remembered that when you work on chassis, being caps or other, it's a good idea to hit the "recall" button on the settings (and doublecheck the B+, which is 169.3 at R854. It calls for 170v so sounds close enough to me?!).
and... I think it's a lot better now!

I'm going to play with it again cause it's still a little too dark
it is still not perfect:
most of the time it's pretty good but depending on the colors displayed (the more white, the more issues) , it will still shake a bit and mess the pincushion briefly:
Suggestions and help welcome at this point (but I will continue to hit my head on it until it's perfect gosh darn it)
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