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Shinobi for the Neo Geo!

Thanks for this info! The neo file should run in hbmame in theory. I'll try it out when I get back home in a few days.
I have not used my DarkSoft MVS in a while.

Do I still have to replace a game with Shinobi because the menu is hard coded?

I apologize for my ignorance. My memory is not what it used to be.
Just to report that I can't have the game work properly with the multiMVS, as I metionned on hoffman itch.io page. BGM music is not played in correct order, and I encounter lack of foreground layer in levels 2-1, 2-3 and 3-1 (haven't tested beyond).
The game works perfectly with Analgue Pocket, and almost perfectly with my Flashcart for AES from competitors ^^. I haven't tried with my multiAES yet.

By the way, how works the FPGA file in each game folder? I manage to have BGM back in order by changing the number from 1337 to 12 or 10, but I don't understand why.
I'm afraid you must replace a game as you've mentioned. Maybe a next menu update with new home-brews is on its way ^^

PS : I'm dreaming of a Golden Axe port
I replaced legendos with the shinobi ROMs on my MultiMVS.

Game loads up ok. First level plays fine but music is all over the place; it's constantly changing tracks at what seems like random.

Level 2 is missing most of the background. most of the level is just blue.

I couldn't play any further in the current state.
Game loads up ok. First level plays fine but music is all over the place; it's constantly changing tracks at what seems like random.
If you pay attention, it's not exactly random : the music loop will always be the same at every game you start. I managed to correct that issue by changing the number in the "fpga" file (12 or 10 instead of 1337). Hoffman said he didn't know the purpose of that fpga-called file. I remember haveing read something about it here, but I can't find it today.

What is imperfect about it on the competitors cart?
I had the foreground layer disapear at level 2-1 after few seconds. After having lost a life, everything was back to normal, but it started again, even leading the game to freeze shortly and reboot itself. This was on my first attempt with this game, and I've never had that again since then using that flashcart.

Level 2 is missing most of the background. most of the level is just blue.
If you look closely, you'll realize that the foreground layer only is missing. With multiMVS, foreground layer is never displayed in level 2-1. Everything is fine in level 2-2 though, but no foreground layer in level 2-3 and helicopter boss fight as well. I managed to reach level 3-1 : no foreground layer here too. I didn't went beyond that level in these conditions.

I'll try to make a cartridge with the roms provided by hoffman to see what happens.
Just to report that I can't have the game work properly with the multiMVS, as I metionned on hoffman itch.io page. BGM music is not played in correct order, and I encounter lack of foreground layer in levels 2-1, 2-3 and 3-1 (haven't tested beyond).
The game works perfectly with Analgue Pocket, and almost perfectly with my Flashcart for AES from competitors ^^. I haven't tried with my multiAES yet.

By the way, how works the FPGA file in each game folder? I manage to have BGM back in order by changing the number from 1337 to 12 or 10, but I don't understand why.

This is probably worth flagging for @Darksoft. Do you have the latest firmware on your Multi MVS? It could also be that the file for the Multi MVS was built incorrectly.

I realize that bug-fixing a homebrew port/hack may not be a high priority, but perhaps the reason why it isn't working correctly on the Multi MVS could lead to improvements or fixes in other games that may be misbehaving on the Multi MVS.
I just tried it on MisTer and OMG is it such an amazing port!!
I couldn't really tell the difference between the original and the NEO GEO Port
Looks like it likely won't work on the Vortex carts. vtxcart spits out "Error: audio mode 3 in shinobi is not supported!"

Looks cool though!
looks like the conversion includes also a version for my Multi. Can someone confirmed if they've tried it?
Instructions about how to convert the game are explained here: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/how-to-convert-files-to-work-with-neogeo-multi.24393/

By the way, how works the FPGA file in each game folder? I manage to have BGM back in order by changing the number from 1337 to 12 or 10, but I don't understand why.

If you pay attention, it's not exactly random : the music loop will always be the same at every game you start. I managed to correct that issue by changing the number in the "fpga" file (12 or 10 instead of 1337). Hoffman said he didn't know the purpose of that fpga-called file. I remember haveing read something about it here, but I can't find it today.
Being this game a homebrew, the FPGA should be OK with 10, but definitely NOT 1337.

I have compared the rest of the files: crom0, prom, m1rom, srom and vroma0 and they are converted well, so the issue is the FPGA file.

Can you please confirm @mpatou or someone else, what issues do you experience with the right FPGA file?