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Sega Naomi Universal Stand Up/Sit Down Reclamation Thread

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lining up, marking and cutting the outer covers :thumbup:




This is where I hit a snag. After cutting the arms I mated them with the covers and tops and found I somehow managed to cut them a bit too conservatively. no good (as they will not close) I decided to do a a second, slightly aggressive cut. If you took it to a machine shop you would hopefully be returned something exact. The metal is pretty thick. Everything is behind the cover here but better to get it right the first cut. Oh well lets cut again.





Now we need to drill a hole for the foot screw. I used hot glue to keep everything from moving to mark it perfectly. Worked well and came right off.


Ready to mark/drill.

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chop chop



It "mostly" stands on its own. Of course the factory cuts are cleaner.



This is where I appreciate having the real thing. These are two arms mated together (held with screws) to drill the perfect hole. below is the other side


You can see sega had some play for these two, but we just need the hole right in the center of where the factory screw was attached and we will be fine.


taping off the cable feeds for the bottom of the cabinet. I dont have a picture of the raw cuts but it looks about how you think it would cutting a square. The dremel was fine for this.


Skipping just a bit ahead to show how the feeds came out as well as the screw mating for the two we drilled.

IMG_6490 2.jpg

to unscrew the legs which way to turn the nut ??

good job, the black bezel from nnc is flat i didn't understand it right did you put it on the naomi or did you put the white frame from nnc to naomi?

awesome cutting works!!! perfection.
the friend is a very crafty professional.
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Ok with that resolved onto the next issue. What the hell is this?


Im guessing just like the wiring, SOA did there own thing on the wheels too unless it was different lengths between stand up vs sitdown. Either way gotta fix it.


Both sets haver seen better days. I looked online for something suitable for the NNC back wheels but came up short.


Finally I find a YAJ auction for a set of four NNC wheels... What the hell is going on?


With that option out of reach, time to move on. lets just make something the same size. No one will see the back feet anyway really. Settled on this set from harbor freight to get me close. Also happened to have the same bolt pattern.


Had to make little risers from the old wheels but they match the NNC with new wheels perfectly.

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Better :thumbup:


Time to start putting this back together


Ok forgot to mention that the casters at home depot are a direct match for the original Naomi stand up, but this doesnt matter since we need the back to match the NNC's.

But also the NNC Front swivel caster is slightly taller than the Naomis...

Also the bolt patterns are different... Life is hard sometimes.


Opted to widen one side of each caster to get them on the NNC. The NNC's swivel casters are also pretty worn out so it all works out. I just can't help thinking this might be an off the shelf size standard in Japan, just like the naomis use regularly available casters here.


part number

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to unscrew the legs which way to turn the nut ??

good job, the black bezel from nnc is flat i didn't understand it right did you put it on the naomi or did you put the white frame from nnc to naomi?
The screws were just standard. I found a second flat bezel after some time to match the new monitor but I am borrowing from NNC with broken monitor here.
Be careful it is going to break the bezel with the weight, i hace one question the machine always that does not move you raise the bolts to leave the front wheels in the air, or you leave them lowered supporting the wheels the weight of the machine.
Be careful it is going to break the bezel with the weight, i hace one question the machine always that does not move you raise the bolts to leave the front wheels in the air, or you leave them lowered supporting the wheels the weight of the machine.
On the true sit down NNC the wood blocks are just to avoid removing the monitor to change the casters. On the chopped naomi I changed the casters while it was broken down. I would never put weight under/on the chopped feet. The feet are weak and would break. It only looks real.
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On the true sit down NNC the wood blocks are just to avoid removing the monitor to change the casters. On the chopped naomi I changed the casters while it was broken down. I would never put weight under/on the chopped feet. The feet are weak and would break. It only looks real.
Not if I was referring to the last photo of everything piled up.

What I meant by the legs is when you are not going to move the machine. In the manual it says that you have to turn the screws on the front legs and leave the machine slightly elevated, I was referring to whether you have to do that or whether it doesn't matter if the machine is not slightly elevated and the front wheels support the weight when the machine is stationary.
Not if I was referring to the last photo of everything piled up.

What I meant by the legs is when you are not going to move the machine. In the manual it says that you have to turn the screws on the front legs and leave the machine slightly elevated, I was referring to whether you have to do that or whether it doesn't matter if the machine is not slightly elevated and the front wheels support the weight when the machine is stationary.
The casters have been removed from that guy also.
I think I’m nearing completion on this one, just taking care of a few small items and few nit-picky things before figuring out paint.

The first one is the front of the Naomi cab. I don't like how SEGA made the front of the USA Naomi swiss cheese to accommodate various bar locks, etc. When right beside the JAPAN NNC its noticeably different with all the screws. If you take them out it looks even worse. Even with all these factory holes for locks the operator still drilled right through the cab frame and coin door for their lock. ||


I measured the screw and picked up eight of these set screws from home depot



I opted to install with the hex head facing the inside of the cab, in the hopes it might look less screwy. I think it might be possible to just reverse the stock screws that came with the cab although it may not be possible by the coin door due to the clearance required to thread it in.

I decided to paint the set screws with some testors paint I had lying around. It was really bright white so I added some beige to try to help colormatch a bit better.


Here are two of the SEGA lock holes painted. After wiping away the excess I bondo'd the three holes made by the operator as well.


The end result is much cleaner than it was but I may get a new coin door anyway due to the two lock holes just annoying me. The one on the frame won’t be nearly as noticeable with them gone. I'm happy with the rest. The factory lock holes look like rivets now unless you REALLY get down and stare at them.

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Amazing work here.

Can I ask where did you get the ikari panel??
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