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Sega Blast City Monitor options


Oct 26, 2021
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Hi everybody, my BC monitor stopped working last week. The screen is just black but there were also some loud snaps and pops on power up. I took it to a local repair guy and he said that the tube was bad and that it was non repairable. Anyhow, I need a new monitor and have a few questions as far as options.
There are a few people near me with spare monitors. One of them is a new old stock 27” Philips monitor and chasis. Another guy has a monitor out of a Naomi but currently in an Astro city. Are any of these options possible without a lot of work or am I looking at more of a tube swap situation?
The monitor that’s bad is a Nanao MS-2930, thanks for the help.
Both those monitors are probably going to need to be reverse mounted in your blast city. Im assuming the tube from the naomi/astro is an ms9 tube with probably a ms9 15k standard res chassis or a 2932 with a 31k only chassis. Im not familiar with the phillips monitor but nos arcade monitors are rare so I'd probably go with that.

Did the guy that looked at the tube fix the chassis too?
Both those monitors are probably going to need to be reverse mounted in your blast city. Im assuming the tube from the naomi/astro is an ms9 tube with probably a ms9 15k standard res chassis or a 2932 with a 31k only chassis. Im not familiar with the phillips monitor but nos arcade monitors are rare so I'd probably go with that.

Did the guy that looked at the tube fix the chassis too?
He didn’t indicate that there was a problem with the chassis but he did say that he knew of a few places that could repair the chassis if there was a problem with it. The NAC monitor is a MS-2934, what did you mean about reverse mounting?
What tube do you have? Post a picture
Look for something like this sticker
there was a problem with the chassis but he did say that he knew of a few places that could repair the chassis if there was a problem with it. The NAC mon
Err on the side of caution and find out. Did the monitor do anything strange before failing?

There is a chance that the nanao tube in the NAC is a drop in replacement in which case you need to find a new chassis or keep the 31k chassis and get a scaler like Notsonic said
Unfortunately, it is very possible that the original tube was damaged. See this thread for more info: https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/psa-ms293x-faulty-chassis-can-break-the-tube.8879/

The MS2934 should have the same curvature and fit right in. It's 31khz only though. I recommend the Retro Scaler A1 if you want to play 15khz stuff. https://irkenlabs.com/product/retro-scaler-a1/

Another monitor option in the US is a WG D9200 (or similar). @mmmmaerk recently put one in his Blast City.
This sounds like exactly what happened with my Blast City, thanks for sharing. I’ll likely go with the MS2934, I’m picking up the the old chasis and tube later this week I’m hoping to have the chasis tested on another monitor. In the meantime what are the main issues with using 15khz hardware on on a 31khz unit? I mainly use this cab for CPS2 hardware.
Err on the side of caution and find out. Did the monitor do anything strange before failing?

There is a chance that the nanao tube in the NAC is a drop in replacement in which case you need to find a new chassis or keep the 31k chassis and get a scaler like Notsonic said
Thanks, what are the disadvantages to not using a scaler? Are games like CPS2 hardware unplayable?
Question: Have you tried connecting a rejuvenator/testor to the tube to see if it's shorted? Do you know anyone you can borrow one from? If it's good, it could be the yoke itself. Not necessarily the chassis. I'm not familiar with Nanao tubes and/or/if the yoke is binded or not.

Just figured you should explore more options before jumping off the deep end and swapping out the tube.

Thanks, what are the disadvantages to not using a scaler? Are games like CPS2 hardware unplayable?
Yeah if you get a vga 31k only monitor you will only be able to play a select few systems which are 31knative like atomiswave & naomi. Most arcade games like cps2/3 are standard res at 15k. So you need a scaler if you want to play those games on a 31k ms2934 chassis. However Its likely your 2930 chassis would work with the 2934 tube. You just gotta make sure it wont kill the tube.
Yeah if you get a vga 31k only monitor you will only be able to play a select few systems which are 31knative like atomiswave & naomi. Most arcade games like cps2/3 are standard res at 15k. So you need a scaler if you want to play those games on a 31k ms2934 chassis. However Its likely your 2930 chassis would work with the 2934 tube. You just gotta make sure it wont kill the tube.
Thanks, i appreciate the info!
Question: Have you tried connecting a rejuvenator/testor to the tube to see if it's shorted? Do you know anyone you can borrow one from? If it's good, it could be the yoke itself. Not necessarily the chassis. I'm not familiar with Nanao tubes and/or/if the yoke is binded or not.

Just figured you should explore more options before jumping off the deep end and swapping out the tube.

I’ll have to ask the guy I took it too if he can check that. He’s pretty experienced, he basically does all the work for a few arcades that are around me, doesn’t hurt to ask though. Thanks for the suggestion 👍🏼
Yeah if you get a vga 31k only monitor you will only be able to play a select few systems which are 31knative like atomiswave & naomi. Most arcade games like cps2/3 are standard res at 15k. So you need a scaler if you want to play those games on a 31k ms2934 chassis. However Its likely your 2930 chassis would work with the 2934 tube. You just gotta make sure it wont kill the tube.
Do you know if these things are plug and play or are there other cabling or components needed to get this to function correctly?