Continuing the saga... Someone in another thread suggested replacing the buffer chip on the NetDIMM.
So, couple of days later, I got some replacement chips, and voila:
The original is the one on my finger. The replacement is the Philips part. I guess I'm getting better at SMD soldering. This one involved no curse words and took 10 minutes, a record
However, it still causes an error 22 Someone mentioned that the DIMM BIOS could be damaged as well. Which chip is that? IC11 at the top of the daughterboard?
I managed to get ahold of a cheap(ish) game cart to make sure that the problem is not the Naomi itself, but I'll probably be getting it only by the beginning of December...
So, couple of days later, I got some replacement chips, and voila:
The original is the one on my finger. The replacement is the Philips part. I guess I'm getting better at SMD soldering. This one involved no curse words and took 10 minutes, a record
However, it still causes an error 22 Someone mentioned that the DIMM BIOS could be damaged as well. Which chip is that? IC11 at the top of the daughterboard?
I managed to get ahold of a cheap(ish) game cart to make sure that the problem is not the Naomi itself, but I'll probably be getting it only by the beginning of December...