OK I decided to put it (
Never used namco system 256 + game) on a Raffle. Entry is 10£/12$ donation. Donations go here
https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JYL2M34RXTNC6 Donation title is "Rent & Food" because that's what I will spend money for.
Note: Please include your arcade-projects nick name with donation or any other nick name if you don’t want your real name to be revealed to public.
Raffle rules:
1. Pay to win, that means you can donate how many times you want, 1 donate = 1 name in the pool.
2. There are no returns after winner was drawn, that means prize or donated money.
3. Raffle will be made using this tool
4. Winner draw will take place 24.06.2024 on 00:10 UK time.
5. Closing pool will take place 23.06.2024 on 23:50 UK time.
6. Each week from today(23.05.2024) on 00:00 UK time, in this thread will be uploaded list with donations names and donations number for confirmation.
7. Draw process will be recorded using my iPhone from the monitor of my laptop and uploaded to my Youtube channel
https://youtube.com/@bilonfullhdemon?si=kTf6qoDIHFz0yCbO for confirmation.
8. I don't take responsibility for lost or damaged package during shipment, or customs charges applied.
9. I reserve the right to cancel that Raffle and return all the donations if the money amount will not exceed 500$ before 23.06.2024.
10. In case of cancellation of the Raffle I will not be able to return any fees taken by PayPal for each donate and I reserve right to not to refund these fees from my own money.
11. If you donate that means you read all rules, understand them and you are accepting all off them.
Note: Shipment on me
Thank you! and good luck!
If you think its a scam, here
https://www.arcade-projects.com/threads/ninja-baseball-bat-man-bootleg-for-free.28970/ you can check my giveaway thread where I gave away for free my Ninja Baseball Bat Man PCB