So I’ve bought a couple of bootleg MVS carts for games that are prohibitively expensive. They’re the ones with the short, red boards and flash chips from China. And it seems the consensus online is that voltage fluctuation will eventually cause the flash chips in them to die.
If this happens, so be it. I’m out like 40 bucks. But what about the Neo SD? It looks like that uses the exact same kind of flash chips. Wouldn’t the voltage have the same effect on that? And if it did, I’d be out like $600!
How do the components of the Neo SD differ from these bootleg carts? What about newer homebrew MVS games or those insanely rare and expensive NG.Dev.Team games? Aren’t they all using the same kind of chips?
If this happens, so be it. I’m out like 40 bucks. But what about the Neo SD? It looks like that uses the exact same kind of flash chips. Wouldn’t the voltage have the same effect on that? And if it did, I’d be out like $600!
How do the components of the Neo SD differ from these bootleg carts? What about newer homebrew MVS games or those insanely rare and expensive NG.Dev.Team games? Aren’t they all using the same kind of chips?