This project really isn't going to go anywhere until some real work on the technical side of things happens first. Not being rude at all, I don't know how much experience you have in translation/romhacking, but assuming you're newer then even I am: if you take a look at the forums, you'll see very quickly that this where an insanely massive number of projects start and end for interested folks. Threads began with "Hi! I'm
just getting started in romhacking, and I want to translate [insert niche game]. How do I change 'xyz' on [insert complicated/intricate system]?", they get linked the "list of required materials for new users" links explaining how to get started, then the thread quickly dies out
ergo why the "Hacking ideas: for those with all the ideas but none of the skill" thread is so massive- it's just packed full of request after request for projects. Would love to see this project happen and do some work on it if possible; seems like a great learning opportunity, but worrying about what-lines-to-use-where is step 9 and this project is barely on step 1 or 2.
I haven't dug into this project much more then my last post with the English character table, but depending on how the art/tiles are "stored", it may very well be that none of these previous official translations will really matter to have organized/scripted
at all. There's always the (strong) chance that, depending on how you're able to change the JP characters to EN letters, you're going to have to make
A Lot of changes and concessions to the script along the way.
I'm only just recently getting my feet wet with the more technical hardware/software side of things as far as *making* translation patches/"versions" go, but the actual difficult part of this entire process is going to be "finding" where the tilesets are being stored/called from, extracting/editing those, then rezipping the testing in mame before getting anywhere close to burning roms for real hardware; hopefully not tripping the little copy protection there is in tsu in the process (i.e disabling the sousai/garbage puyo). If you read through the Valkyrie article I linked back in my first post, you would have seen that a large amount of the translation work there was able to be done in bulk through some simple hex editing after the table was made. With tsu, I don't really think it's going to be the same story at all given the multiple fonts and font sizes like I explained before.
I know the system C/C2 is apparently extremely similar to the megadrive in terms of hardware, so your best bet may be to do some reading through the
megadrive development documentation that's out there (lots of genesis/MD hacks exist so you can find homebrew documentation that would probably be more clear than the older archived stuff), as well as reading up on the
mame driver for the C2 system. Then of course,
Information about the MAME Debugger.